III Year B.Tech. EEE - I Sem      L   T/P/D   C
4   -/-/-   4

Objective : 

This subject is an extension of previous machines courses. It deals with the detailed analysis of Synchronous generators and motors which are the prime source of electrical power generation and its utilities. Also concerns about the different types of single phase motors which are having significant applications in house hold appliances and control systems. 


Synchronous Machine & Characteristics: Constructional Features of round rotor and salient pole machines – Armature windings – Integral slot and fractional slot windings; Distributed and concentrated windings – distribution, pitch and winding factors – E.M.F Equation. Harmonics in generated EMF – suppression of harmonics – armature reaction - leakage reactance – synchronous reactance and impedance – experimental determination - phasor diagram – load characteristics. 


Regulation of Synchronous Generator: Regulation by synchronous impedance method, M.M.F. method, Z.P.F. method and A.S.A. methods – salient pole alternators – two reaction analysis – experimental determination of Xd and Xq (Slip test) Phasor diagrams – Regulation of salient pole alternators. 


Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generator: Synchronizing alternators with infinite bus bars – synchronizing power torque – parallel operation and load sharing - Effect of change of excitation and mechanical power input. Analysis of short circuit current wave form – determination of sub-transient, transient and steady state reactances. 


Synchronous Motors: Theory of operation – phasor diagram – Variation of current and power factor with excitation – synchronous condenser – Mathematical analysis for power developed . 

Power Circles: Excitation and power circles – hunting and its suppression – Methods of starting – synchronous induction motor. 


Single Phase Motors & Special Machines: Single phase Motors: Single phase induction motor – Constructional features-Double revolving field theory Equivalent circuit - split-phase motors - Capacitor start Capacitor run motors. Principles of A.C. Series motor-Universal motor, Stepper motor shaded pole motor, (Qualitative Treatment only). 


  1. Electrical Machines – by P.S. Bimbra, Khanna Publishers. 
  2. Principles of Electrical Machines, V. K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta, S. Chand Publishing.


  1. Electromachanics - III (Synchronous and single phase machines), S. Kamakashiah, Right Publishers.
  2. Electric Machines, I. J. Nagrath & D. P. Kothari, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers.
  3. Performance and Design of AC Machines, MG. Say, BPB Publishers.
  4. Theory of Alternating Current Machinery, Langsdorf, Tata McGraw-Hill Companies.
  5. Electric machinery, A.E. Fitzerald, C. Kingsley and S. Umans, Mc Graw Hill Companies.
  6. Electric Machines, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Mukesh K. Pathak, Cengage Learning.
  7. Fundamentals of Electric Machines, B. R. Gupta, Vandana Singhal, New Age International Publishers.
  8. Electrical Machines, M. V. Deshpande, PHI Learning Private Limited.
  9. Electrical Machines, R. K. Srivastava, Cengage Learning.


After going through this course the student gets a thorough knowledge on, construction operation characteristics regulation parallel-operation power circles starting & speed control methods of synchronous machines and construction operation charcteristics of single-phase motors and special machines, with which he/she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical and problems and applications.

  • Created
    Jun 16, 2015
  • Updated
    Jun 16, 2015
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