B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T P C
4 1 0 4
Prerequisite: Basic electrical & Electronics Engineering
Course Objectives:
- To study and understand different types of DC generators, Motors and Transformers, their construction, operation and applications.
- To analyze performance aspects of various testing methods.
Course Outcomes: After this course, the student will be able to
- Identify different parts of a DC machine & understand its operation
- Carry out different testing methods to predetermine the efficiency of DC machines
- Understand different excitation and starting methods of DC machines
- Control the voltage and speed of a DC machines
D.C. Generators: Principle of operation – Action of commutator – constructional features – armature windings – lap and wave windings – simplex and multiplex windings – use of laminated armature – E. M.F Equation.
Armature reaction – Cross magnetizing and de-magnetizing AT/pole – compensating winding – commutation – reactance voltage – methods of improving commutation. Methods of Excitation – separately excited and self excited generators – build-up of E.M.F - critical field resistance and critical speed - causes for failure to self excite and remedial measures. Load characteristics of shunt, series and compound generators
D.C Motors: Principle of operation – Back E.M.F. - Torque equation – characteristics and application of shunt, series and compound motors – Armature reaction and commutation. Speed control of D.C. Motors - Armature voltage and field flux control methods. Motor starters (3 point and 4 point starters) Testing of D.C. machines - Losses – Constant & Variable losses – calculation of efficiency – condition for maximum efficiency.
Methods of Testing – direct, indirect, and regenerative testing – Brake test – Swinburne’s test – Hopkinson’s test – Field’s test - separation of stray losses in a d.c. motor test.
Single phase transformers: Types - constructional details-minimization of hysteresis and eddy current losses- EMF equation - operation on no load and on load - phasor diagrams Equivalent circuit - losses and efficiency – regulation - All day efficiency - effect of variations of frequency & supply voltage on iron losses.
OC and SC tests - Sumpner’s test - predetermination of efficiency and regulation-separation of losses test-parallel operation with equal and unequal voltage ratios - auto transformersequivalent circuit - comparison with two winding transformers.
Polyphase transformers - Polyphase connections - Y/Y, Y/Δ, Δ/Y, Δ/Δ and open Δ
- “I.J. Nagrath & D.P. Kothari”, “Electric Machines”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers, 3rd edition, 2004.
- “P.S. Bimbra”, “Electrical Machines”, Khanna Publishers, 7th Edition, 2014.
- E. Clayton & N. M. Hancock “The Performance and Design Of Direct Current Machines” 3rd Edition Pitman, London 1959.
- “A. E. Fritzgerald, C. Kingsley and S. Umans”, “Electric Machinary”, McGraw Hill Companies, 6th edition, 2003.
- “Abhijith Chakrabarthi & SubithaDebnath”, “Electrical Machines”, Mc Graw Hill, 2015.
CreatedJun 16, 2017
UpdatedJun 16, 2017