III Year B.Tech. CSE - I Sem L T/P/D C
4 - / - /- 4
(Open Elective)
Environmental Hazards & Disasters: Meaning of Environmental hazards, Environmental Disasters and Environmental stress. Concept of Environmental Hazards, Environmental stress & Environmental Disasters. Different approaches & relation with human Ecology - Landscape Approach - Ecosystem Approach - Perception approach - Human ecology & its application in geographical reserches.
Types of Environmental hazards & Disasters: Natural hazards and Disasters - Man indeced hazards & Disasters - Natural Hazards - Planetary Hazards / Disasters - Extra Planetary Hazards / disasters - Planetary Hazards - Endongenous Hazards - Exogenous Hazards
Endogenous Hazards - Volcanic eruption - Earthquakes - landslides - Volcanic Hazards / Disasters - Causes and distribution of Volcanoes - Hazardous effects of volcanic eruptions - Environmental impacts of volcanic eruptions - Earthquake Hazards / disasters - Causes of Earthquakes - Distribution of earthquakes - Hazardous effects of - earthquakes - Earthquake Hazards in India - Human adjusment, perception & mitigation of earthquake.
Exogenous hazards / disasters - Infrequent events - Cumulative atmospheric hazards / disasters
Infrequent events: Cyclones - Lightning - Hailstorms
Cyclones: Tropical cyclones & Local stroms - Destruction by tropical cyclones & local stroms (causes, distribution human adjustment, perception & mitigation) Cumulative atmospheric hazards/ disasters :- Floods - Droughts - Cold waves - Heal waves Floods :- Causes of floods - Flood hazards India - Flood control measures (Human adjustment, perception & mitigation) Droughts :- Impacts of droughts - Drought hazards in India - Drought control measures - Extra Planetary Hazards / Disasters - man induced Hazards / Disasters - Physical hazards / Disasters - Soil erosion
Soil Erosion: Mechanics & forms of Soil Erosion - Factors 7 causes of Soil Erosion - Conservation measures of Soil Erosion.
Chemical hazards / disasters: Release of toxic chemicals, nuclear explosion - Sedimentation processes Sedimentation processes :- Global Sedimentation problems - Regional Sedimentation problems - Sedimentation & Environmental problems - Corrective measures of Erosion & Sedimentation
Biological hazards / disasters: Population Explosion.
Emerging approaches in Disaster Management - Three stages
- Pre-disaster Stage (preparedness)
- Emergency Stage
- Post Disaster stage - Rehabilitation
- Disaster Mitigation: Experiences And Reflections by Pradeep Sahni
- Natural Hazards & Disasters by Donald Hyndman & David Hyndman - Cengage Learning
- R. B. Singh (Ed) Environmental Geography, Heritage Publishers New Delhi, 1990
- Savinder Singh Environmental Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhawann 1997
- Kates, B. I & White, G. F The Environment as Hazards, oxford, New York, 1978
- R. B. Singh (Ed) Disaster Management, Rawat Publication, New Delhi, 2000
- H. K. Gupta (Ed) Disaster Management, Universities Press, India, 2003
- R. B. Singh, Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation in India (INCED), University of Tokyo, 1994
- Dr. Satender, Disaster Management in Hills, Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2003
- A. S. Arya Action Plan For Earthquake, Disaster, Mitigation in V. K. Sharma (Ed) Disaster Management IIPA Publication New Delhi, 1994
- R. K. Bhandani An overview on Natural & Man made Disaster & their Reduction, CSIR, New Delhi
- M. C. Gupta Manuals on Natural Disaster Management in india, National Centre for Disaster Management, IIPA, New Delhi, 2001.
CreatedJun 08, 2015
UpdatedJun 21, 2015