III Year B.Tech. CSE - I Sem      L  T/P/D  C 
4   - / - /-  4 

(Open Elective)


Environmental Hazards & Disasters: Meaning of Environmental hazards, Environmental Disasters and Environmental stress. Concept of Environmental Hazards, Environmental stress & Environmental Disasters. Different approaches & relation with human Ecology - Landscape Approach - Ecosystem Approach - Perception approach - Human ecology & its application in geographical reserches.


Types of Environmental hazards & Disasters: Natural hazards and Disasters - Man indeced hazards & Disasters - Natural Hazards - Planetary Hazards / Disasters - Extra Planetary Hazards / disasters - Planetary Hazards - Endongenous Hazards - Exogenous Hazards


Endogenous Hazards - Volcanic eruption - Earthquakes - landslides - Volcanic Hazards / Disasters - Causes and distribution of Volcanoes - Hazardous effects of volcanic eruptions - Environmental impacts of volcanic eruptions - Earthquake Hazards / disasters - Causes of Earthquakes - Distribution of earthquakes - Hazardous effects of - earthquakes - Earthquake Hazards in India - Human adjusment, perception & mitigation of earthquake.


Exogenous hazards / disasters - Infrequent events - Cumulative atmospheric hazards / disasters

Infrequent events: Cyclones - Lightning - Hailstorms

Cyclones: Tropical cyclones & Local stroms - Destruction by tropical cyclones & local stroms (causes, distribution human adjustment, perception & mitigation) Cumulative atmospheric hazards/ disasters :- Floods - Droughts - Cold waves - Heal waves Floods :- Causes of floods - Flood hazards India - Flood control measures (Human adjustment, perception & mitigation) Droughts :- Impacts of droughts - Drought hazards in India - Drought control measures - Extra Planetary Hazards / Disasters - man induced Hazards / Disasters - Physical hazards / Disasters - Soil erosion

Soil Erosion: Mechanics & forms of Soil Erosion - Factors 7 causes of Soil Erosion - Conservation measures of Soil Erosion.

Chemical hazards / disasters: Release of toxic chemicals, nuclear explosion - Sedimentation processes Sedimentation processes :- Global Sedimentation problems - Regional Sedimentation problems - Sedimentation & Environmental problems - Corrective measures of Erosion & Sedimentation

Biological hazards / disasters: Population Explosion.


Emerging approaches in Disaster Management - Three stages

  1. Pre-disaster Stage (preparedness)
  2. Emergency Stage
  3. Post Disaster stage - Rehabilitation


  1. Disaster Mitigation: Experiences And Reflections by Pradeep Sahni
  2. Natural Hazards & Disasters by Donald Hyndman & David Hyndman - Cengage Learning


  1. R. B. Singh (Ed) Environmental Geography, Heritage Publishers New Delhi, 1990
  2. Savinder Singh Environmental Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhawann 1997
  3. Kates, B. I & White, G. F The Environment as Hazards, oxford, New York, 1978
  4. R. B. Singh (Ed) Disaster Management, Rawat Publication, New Delhi, 2000
  5. H. K. Gupta (Ed) Disaster Management, Universities Press, India, 2003
  6. R. B. Singh, Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation in India (INCED), University of Tokyo, 1994
  7. Dr. Satender, Disaster Management in Hills, Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2003
  8. A. S. Arya Action Plan For Earthquake, Disaster, Mitigation in V. K. Sharma (Ed) Disaster Management IIPA Publication New Delhi, 1994
  9. R. K. Bhandani An overview on Natural & Man made Disaster & their Reduction, CSIR, New Delhi
  10. M. C. Gupta Manuals on Natural Disaster Management in india, National Centre for Disaster Management, IIPA, New Delhi, 2001.
  • Created
    Jun 08, 2015
  • Updated
    Jun 21, 2015
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