II Year B.Tech. EEE II-Sem L T P C

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Prerequisite: Digital Electronics, Analog Electronics

Course Objectives:

  • To learn basic techniques for the design of digital circuits and fundamental concepts used in the design of digital systems.
  • To understand common forms of number representation in digital electronic circuits and to be able to convert between different representations.
  • To implement simple logical operations using combinational logic circuits
  • To design combinational logic circuits, sequential logic circuits.
  • To impart to student the concepts of sequential circuits, enabling them to analyze sequential systems in terms of state machines.
  • To implement synchronous state machines using flip-flops.

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to

  • Understand working of logic families and logic gates.
  • Design and implement Combinational and Sequential logic circuits.
  • Understand the process of Analog to Digital conversion and Digital to Analog conversion.
  • Be able to use PLDs to implement the given logical problem.

List of Experiments:

  1. Realization of Boolean Expressions using Gates
  2. Design and realization logic gates using universal gates
  3. Generation of clock using NAND / NOR gates
  4. Design a 4 – bit Adder / Subtractor
  5. Design and realization a 4 – bit gray to Binary and Binary to Gray Converter
  6. Design and realization of a 4 bit pseudo random sequence generator using logic gates.
  7. Design and realization of an 8 bit parallel load and serial out shift register using flip-flops.
  8. Design and realization a Synchronous and Asynchronous counters using flip-flops
  9. Design and realization of Asynchronous counters using flip-flops
  10. Design and realization 8x1 using 2x1 mux
  11. Design and realization 2 bit comparator
  12. Verification of truth tables and excitation tables
  13. Realization of logic gates using DTL, TTL, ECL, etc.,
  14. State machines


  1. R. P. Jain, "Modern Digital Electronics", McGraw Hill Education, 2009.
  2. M. M. Mano, "Digital logic and Computer design", Pearson Education India, 2016.


  1. A. Kumar, "Fundamentals of Digital Circuits", Prentice Hall India, 2016.
  • Created
    Dec 13, 2020
  • Updated
    Dec 13, 2020
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