Note: This syllabus is same for CSE, IT/CST, Electronics and Computer Engineering.
II Year B.Tech. CSE - I Sem L T/P/D C
4 -/-/- 4
- To understand the basic structure concept such as Abstract Data Types, Linear and Non Linear Data structures.
- To understand the notations used to analyze the Performance of algorithms.
- To understand the behavior of data structures such as stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, search trees, Graph and their representations.
- To choose the appropriate data structure for a specified application.
- To understand and analyze various searching and sorting algorithms.
- To write progams in C to solve problems using data structures such as array, linked lists, queues, trees, graphs, hash tables, search trees.
Basic concepts - Algorithm Specification - Introduction, Recursive algorithms, Data Abstraction Performance analysis - time complexity and space complexity, Asymptotic Notation - Big O, Omega and Theta notations, introduction to Linear and Non Linear data structures.
Singly Linked Lists-Operations-Insertion, Deletion, Concatenating singly linked lists, Circularly linked lists- Operations for Circularly linked lists, Doubly Linked Lists- Operations- Insertion, Deletion. Representation of single, two dimensional arrays, sparse matrices-array and linked representations.
Stack ADT, definition, operations, array and linked implementations in C, applications-infix to postfix conversion, Postfix expression evaluation, recursion implementation, Queue ADT, definition and operations ,array and linked Implementations in C, Circular queues-Insertion and deletion operations, Deque (Double ended queue)ADT, array and linked implementations in C.
Trees – Terminology, Representation of Trees, Binary tree ADT, Properties of Binary Trees, Binary Tree Representations-array and linked representations, Binary Tree traversals, Threaded binary trees, Max Priority Queue ADT-implementation-Max Heap-Definition, Insertion into a Max Heap, Deletion from a Max Heap.
Graphs – Introduction, Definition, Terminology, Graph ADT, Graph Representations- Adjacency matrix, Adjacency lists, Graph traversals- DFS and BFS.
Searching- Linear Search, Binary Search, Static Hashing-Introduction, hash tables, hash functions, Overflow Handling.
Sorting-Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Radix Sort, Quick sort, Heap Sort, Comparison of Sorting methods.
Search Trees-Binary Search Trees, Definition, Operations- Searching, Insertion and Deletion, AVL Trees- Definition and Examples, Insertion into an AVL Tree ,B-Trees, Definition, B-Tree of order m, operations-Insertion and Searching, Introduction to Red-Black and Splay Trees(Elementary treatment-only Definitions and Examples), Comparison of Search Trees.
Pattern matching algorithm- The Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Tries (examples only).
- Fundamentals of Data structures in C, 2nd Edition, E.Horowitz, S.Sahni and Susan Anderson-Freed, Universities Press.
- Data structures A Programming Approach with C, D.S.Kushwaha and A.K.Misra, PHI.
- Data structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C, 2nd edition, R.F.Gilberg And B.A.Forouzan, Cengage Learning.
- Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, 2nd edition, M.A.Weiss, Pearson.
- Data Structures using C, A.M.Tanenbaum,Y. Langsam, M.J.Augenstein, Pearson.
- Data structures and Program Design in C, 2nd edition, R.Kruse, C.L.Tondo and B.Leung,Pearson.
- Data Structures and Algorithms made easy in JAVA, 2nd Edition, Narsimha Karumanchi, CareerMonk Publications.
- Data Structures using C, R.Thareja, Oxford University Press.
- Data Structures, S.Lipscutz,Schaum’s Outlines, TMH.
- Data structures using C, A.K.Sharma, 2nd edition, Pearson..
- Data Structures using C &C++, R.Shukla, Wiley India.
- Classic Data Structures, D.Samanta, 2nd edition, PHI.
- Advanced Data structures, Peter Brass, Cambridge.
- Learn how to use data structure concepts for realistic problems.
- Ability to identify appropriate data structure for solving computing problems in respective language.
- Ability to solve problems independently and think critically.
CreatedJan 04, 2015
UpdatedAug 02, 2016