B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T P C
4 0 0 4
Course Objectives:
- To understand the basic concepts such as Abstract Data Types, Linear and Non Linear Data structures.
- To understand the notations used to analyze the Performance of algorithms.
- To understand the behavior of data structures such as stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, search trees, Graphs and their representations.
- To choose an appropriate data structure for a specified application.
- To understand and analyze various searching and sorting algorithms.
- To learn to implement ADTs such as lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, search trees in C++ to solve problems.
Course Outcomes:
- Ability to choose appropriate data structures to represent data items in real world problems.
- Ability to analyze the time and space complexities of algorithms.
- Ability to design programs using a variety of data structures such as stacks, queues, hash tables, binary trees, search trees, heaps, graphs, and B-trees.
- Able to analyze and implement various kinds of searching and sorting techniques.
C++ Programming Concepts: Review of C, input and output in C++, functions in C++- value parameters, reference parameters, Parameter passing, function overloading, function templates, Exceptions-throwing an exception and handling an exception, arrays, pointers, new and delete operators, class and object, access specifiers , friend functions, constructors and destructor, Operator overloading, class templates, Inheritance and Polymorphism.
Basic Concepts - Data objects and Structures, Algorithm Specification-Introduction, Recursive algorithms, Data Abstraction, Performance analysis- time complexity and space complexity, Asymptotic Notation-Big O, Omega and Theta notations, Complexity Analysis Examples, Introduction to Linear and Non Linear data structures.
Representation of single, two dimensional arrays, sparse matrices-array and linked representations.
Linear list ADT-array representation and linked representation, Singly Linked Lists- Operations-Insertion, Deletion, Circularly linked lists-Operations for Circularly linked lists, Doubly Linked Lists- Operations- Insertion, Deletion.
Stack ADT, definition, array and linked implementations, applications-infix to postfix conversion, Postfix expression evaluation, recursion implementation, Queue ADT, definition, array and linked Implementations, Circular queues-Insertion and deletion operations.
Trees – definition, terminology, Binary trees-definition, Properties of Binary Trees, Binary Tree ADT, representation of Binary Trees-array and linked representations, Binary Tree traversals, Threaded binary trees, Priority Queues –Definition and applications, Max Priority Queue ADT-implementation-Max Heap-Definition, Insertion into a Max Heap, Deletion from a Max Heap.
Searching - Linear Search, Binary Search, Hashing-Introduction, hash tables, hash functions, Overflow Handling, Comparison of Searching methods.
Sorting-Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Radix Sort, Quick sort, Heap Sort, Merge sort, Comparison of Sorting methods.
Graphs–Definitions, Terminology, Applications and more definitions, Properties, Graph ADT, Graph Representations- Adjacency matrix, Adjacency lists, Graph Search methods - DFS and BFS, Complexity analysis,
Search Trees-Binary Search Tree ADT, Definition, Operations- Searching, Insertion and Deletion, Balanced search trees-AVL Trees-Definition and Examples only, B-Trees- Definition and Examples only, Red-Black Trees-Definitions and Examples only, Comparison of Search Trees.
- Data structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, 2nd Edition, Sartaj Sahni, Universities Press.
- Data structures and Algorithms in C++, Adam Drozdek, 4th edition, Cengage learning.
- Data structures with C++, J. Hubbard, Schaum’s outlines, TMH.
- Data structures and Algorithms in C++, M.T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and D. Mount, Wiley India.
- Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 3rd edition, M. A. Weiss, Pearson.
- Classic Data Structures, D. Samanta, 2nd edition, PHI.
CreatedMay 27, 2017
UpdatedMay 28, 2017