III Year B.Tech. CSE -II Sem T P C 
0 3 2 


  • To Understand the functionalities of various layers of OSI model 
  • To inculcate object oriented software design 

System/ Software Requirement 

  • Intel based desktop PCs LAN CONNECTED with minimum of 166 MHZ or faster processor with atleast 64 MB RAM and 100 MB free disk space 
  • Tools Such as Rational Rose 

Part - A 

  1. Implement the data link layer framing methods such as character, character stuffing and bit stuffing. 
  2. Implement on a data set of characters the three CRC polynomials – CRC 12, CRC 16 and CRC CCIP 
  3. Implement Dijkstra ‘s algorithm to compute the Shortest path thru a graph. 
  4. Take an example subnet graph with weights indicating delay between nodes. Now obtain Routing table art each node using distance vector routing algorithm 
  5. Take an example subnet of hosts . Obtain broadcast tree for it. 
  6. Take a 64 bit playing text and encrypt the same using DES algorithm . 
  7. Write a program to break the above DES coding 
  8. Using RSA algorithm Encrypt a text data and Decrypt the same . 

Part - B 

  1. The student should take up the case study of Unified Library application which is mentioned in the theory, and Model it in different views i.e Use case view, logical view, component view, Deployment view, Database design, forward and Reverse Engineering, and Generation of documentation of the project. 
  2. Student has to take up another case study of his/her own interest and do the same what ever mentioned in first problem. Some of the ideas regarding case studies are given in reference books which were mentioned in theory syllabus can be referred for some idea. 

Note : The analysis, design, coding, documentation, database design of mini project which will be carried out in 4th year should be done in object-oriented approach using UML and by using appropriate software which supports UML, otherwise the mini project will not be evaluated. 


  • Created
    Dec 25, 2013
  • Updated
    Dec 25, 2013
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