Note: This syllabus is common for 

  • R18 - B.Tech. I Year I Sem. - EEE, CSE & IT.
  • R18 - B.Tech. I Year I Sem. - CSE (Cyber Security), CSE (Data Science), CSE (Networks) & Computer Engineering (Software Engg.)
  • R18 - B.Tech. I Year II Sem. - ECE, EIE, Civil, ME, AE, ME (M), MME, Mining & Petroleum Engg.
  • R18 - B.Tech. I Year II Sem. - CSE (AI & ML) & CSE (IoT)


B.Tech. I Year I Sem. L T P C

3 1 0 4

Course Objectives:

  • To bring adaptability to the concepts of chemistry and to acquire the required skills to become a perfect engineer.
  • To impart the basic knowledge of atomic, molecular and electronic modifications which makes the student to understand the technology based on them.
  • To acquire the knowledge of electrochemistry, corrosion and water treatment which are essential for the Engineers and in industry.
  • To acquire the skills pertaining to spectroscopy and to apply them for medical and other fields.
  • To impart the knowledge of stereochemistry and synthetic aspects useful for understanding reaction pathways

Course Outcomes: The basic concepts included in this course will help the student to gain:

  • The knowledge of atomic, molecular and electronic changes, band theory related to conductivity.
  • The required principles and concepts of electrochemistry, corrosion and in understanding the problem of water and its treatments.
  • The required skills to get clear concepts on basic spectroscopy and application to medical and other fields.
  • The knowledge of configurational and conformational analysis of molecules and reaction mechanisms.

Unit - I:

Molecular structure and Theories of Bonding: Atomic and Molecular orbitals. Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO), molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules, molecular orbital energy level diagrams of N2, O2 and F2 molecules. π molecular orbitals of butadiene and benzene.

Crystal Field Theory (CFT): Salient Features of CFT – Crystal Field Splitting of transition metal ion d- orbitals in Tetrahedral, Octahedral and square planar geometries. Band structure of solids and effect of doping on conductance.

Unit - II:

Water and its treatment: Introduction – hardness of water – Causes of hardness - Types of hardness: temporary and permanent – expression and units of hardness – Estimation of hardness of water by complexometric method. Potable water and its specifications. Steps involved in treatment of water – Disinfection of water by chlorination and ozonization. Boiler feed water and its treatment – Calgon conditioning, Phosphate conditioning and Colloidal conditioning. External treatment of water – Ion exchange process. Desalination of water – Reverse osmosis. Numerical problems.

Unit - III:

Electrochemistry and corrosion: Electro chemical cells – electrode potential, standard electrode potential, types of electrodes – calomel, Quinhydrone and glass electrode. Nernst equation Determination of pH of a solution by using quinhydrone and glass electrode. Electrochemical series and its applications. Numerical problems. Potentiometric titrations. Batteries – Primary (Lithium cell) and secondary batteries (Lead – acid storage battery and Lithium ion battery).

Causes and effects of corrosion – theories of chemical and electrochemical corrosion – mechanism of electrochemical corrosion, Types of corrosion: Galvanic, water-line and pitting corrosion. Factors affecting rate of corrosion, Corrosion control methods- Cathodic protection – Sacrificial anode and impressed current cathodic methods. Surface coatings – metallic coatings – methods of application. Electroless plating of Nickel.

Unit - IV:

Stereochemistry, Reaction Mechanism and synthesis of drug molecules: Introduction to representation of 3-dimensional structures, Structural and stereoisomers, configurations, symmetry and chirality. Enantiomers, diastereomers, optical activity and Absolute configuration. Conformation alanalysis of n- butane.

Substitution reactions: Nucleophilic substitution reactions: Mechanism of SN1, SN2 reactions. Electrophilic and nucleophilic addition reactions: Addition of HBr to propene. Markownikoff and anti Markownikoff’s additions. Grignard additions on carbonyl compounds. Elimination reactions: Dehydro halogenation of alkylhalides. Saytzeff rule. Oxidation reactions: Oxidation of alcohols using KMnO4 and chromic acid.

Reduction reactions: reduction of carbonyl compounds using LiAlH4 & NaBH4. Hydroboration of olefins. Structure, synthesis and pharmaceutical applications of Paracetamol and Aspirin.

Unit - V:

Spectroscopic techniques and applications: Principles of spectroscopy, selection rules and applications of electronic spectroscopy. vibrational and rotational spectroscopy. Basic concepts of Nuclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy, chemical shift. Introduction to Magnetic resonance imaging.

Suggested Text Books:

  1. Physical Chemistry, by P.W. Atkins
  2. Engineering Chemistry by P.C.Jain & M.Jain; Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
  3. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, by C.N. Banwell
  4. Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function by K.P.C. Volhardt and N.E.Schore, 5th Edition.
  5. University Chemistry, by B.M. Mahan, Pearson IV Edition.
  6. Engineering Chemistry (NPTEL Web-book), by B.L. Tembe, Kamaluddin and M.S. Krishnan
  • Created
    Nov 28, 2020
  • Updated
    Dec 11, 2020
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