II Year B. Tech. Biotech I-Sem L T/P/D C
- -/3/- 2

Objectives: This course aims to provide students an exposure to the identification of different cell types and their morphology, media preparation, propagation of microbial cultures, isolation of pure cultures of microbes from mixed cultures of samples and their biochemical identification. The knowledge of growth of inoculated cultures in different fermentation modes will also be imparted.

Outcomes: After completion of the course students will gain expertise to distinguish various cell types by morphology, media supplements, identification techniques during fermentation, which will be useful in the biotech based industries. They will also develop ability to purify / isolate pure culture from mixed population and correlate with growth pattern.

  1. Identification of Animal, Plant & Bacterial cells.
  2. Micrometry.
  3. Differential centrifugation and isolation of Chloroplast & Mitochondria.
  4. Sterilization techniques (lecture/demonstrations)
  5. Preparation of culture media (a) Broth (b) Solid media
  6. Culture of microorganisms: (a) Broth (b) Pure culture techniques: Streak plate, pour plate, spread plate.
  7. Isolation and preservation of bacterial cultures.
  8. Identification of microorganisms (a) Staining techniques (b) Biochemical testing.
  9. Antibiotic sensitivity test - Disc diffusion method, minimum inhibitory concentration.
  10. Microbiological examination of water.
  11. Biochemical tests
  • IMVIC test
  • Catalase test
  • Coagulase test
  • Gelatinase test
  • Oxidase test.
  1. Determination of Bacterial growth by turbidometry/colorimetry.
  2. Factors affecting the bacterial growth – affect of temperature and pH.


  1. Biotechnology Procedures and experiments Hand Book by S.Harisha, Infinity Science Press
  2. Microbiological applications, Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology by Benson, Mc Graw Publications.
  3. Laboratory manual in microbiology by P. Gunasekharan, Newage international Publishers.
  • Created
    Jul 31, 2016
  • Updated
    Jul 31, 2016
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