II Year B. Tech. Biotech I-Sem L T/P/D C
- -/3/- 2

Objectives: This course is designed to impart basic practical knowledge of preparation of standard solutions and buffers, color reactions of biomolecules and their estimations, basic knowledge of chromatography and basics of biomolecular separation of mixtures.

  1. Units, Volume & Weight measurements. Concentration units, pH Measurement. Preparation of buffers, Preparation of standard solutions: 0.1N Hcl, 2/3N H2SO4, 10mm Tris.
  2. Qualitative tests for Carbohydrates, Aminoacids, Lipids
  3. Qualitative estimation of Carbohydrates: DNS Method, Protein: Bradford/Lowry
  4. Lipids: Saponification number, I2 Value
  5. Estimation of Purity of Nucleic Acids
  6. Chromatography: Paper, TLC
  7. Estimation of Nucleic Acids, Test for ribose and deoxyribose sugar.
  8. Extraction of Caffeine from tea leaves.


  1. Biotechnology Procedures and experiments Hand Book by S.Harisha, Infinity Science Press, 2008
  2. Laboratory Manaual in Biochemistry by J.Jayaraman New age International Publications.
  3. Principles & Techniques of Practical Biochemistry 5th edition. K. Wilson & J.Walker, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  4. Biochemical Methods by S.Sadasivam, A. Manickam, New Age International Publishers.

Outcomes: Students would be able to distinguish between different biomolecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids by identification and estimation

  • Created
    Jul 31, 2016
  • Updated
    Jul 31, 2016
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