Note: This is syllabus is common for
- R18 - B.Tech. I Year I Sem. - EEE, CSE & IT.
- R18 - B.Tech. I Year I Sem. - CSE (Cyber Security), CSE (Data Science), CSE (Networks) & Computer Engineering (Software Engg.)
- R18 - B.Tech. I Year II Sem. - ECE & EIE.
- R18 - B.Tech. I Year II Sem. - CSE (AI & ML) & CSE (IoT)
B.Tech. I Year I Sem. L T P C
0 0 2 1
Course Objectives:
- To analyze a given network by applying various electrical laws and network theorems
- To know the response of electrical circuits for different excitations
- To calculate, measure and know the relation between basic electrical parameters.
- To analyze the performance characteristics of DC and AC electrical machines
Course Outcomes:
- Get an exposure to basic electrical laws.
- Understand the response of different types of electrical circuits to different excitations.
- Understand the measurement, calculation and relation between the basic electrical parameters
- Understand the basic characteristics of transformers and electrical machines.
List of experiments/demonstrations:
- Verification of Ohms Law
- Verification of KVL and KCL
- Transient Response of Series RL and RC circuits using DC excitation
- Transient Response of RLC Series circuit using DC excitation
- Resonance in series RLC circuit
- Calculations and Verification of Impedance and Current of RL, RC and RLC series circuits
- Measurement of Voltage, Current and Real Power in primary and Secondary Circuits of a Single Phase Transformer
- Load Test on Single Phase Transformer (Calculate Efficiency and Regulation)
- Three Phase Transformer: Verification of Relationship between Voltages and Currents (Star-Delta, Delta-Delta, Delta-star, Star-Star)
- Measurement of Active and Reactive Power in a balanced Three-phase circuit
- Performance Characteristics of a Separately/Self Excited DC Shunt/Compound Motor
- Torque-Speed Characteristics of a Separately/Self Excited DC Shunt/Compound Motor
- Performance Characteristics of a Three-phase Induction Motor
- Torque-Speed Characteristics of a Three-phase Induction Motor
- No-Load Characteristics of a Three-phase Alternator
CreatedNov 28, 2020
UpdatedDec 11, 2020