Note: This syllabus is common for Civil, ME, AE, ME (M), MME, AU, Mining, Petroleum, CEE, ME (Nanotech).
B.Tech. I Year II Sem. L T/P/D C
3 0/0/0 3
Course Objectives:
- To understand the elastic behavior of materials.
- To understand basic principles of acoustics and architecture of buildings.
- To study production and applications of ultrasonics.
- To understand magnetic, dielectric and superconducting properties.
Course Outcomes: after completion of this course the student is able to
- Realize the importance of elastic behavior of materials.
- Learn Sabine’s formula for reverberation time and apply in architecture of buildings.
- Learn various methods of producing ultrasonics and their uses.
- Learn magnetic, dielectric and superconducting properties of materials and their applications.
Elastic properties: stress and strain, Hooke’s law, elastic behavior of a material, factors affecting elasticity, three modulii of elasticity, work done for unit volume in deforming a body, relation between three modulii of elasticity, determination of rigidity modulus – torsional pendulum.
Acoustics of buildings and acoustic quieting: Introduction, basic requirement for the acoustically good halls, reverberation and time of reverberation, transmission of sound and transmission loss, factors affecting the architectural acoustics and their remedy, sound absorbing materials, sabine formulae, absorption coefficients, stadium seating, movie theater, acoustic quieting,
Ultrasonics: Introduction, production of ultrasonic waves, magnetostriction method, piezo electric method, detection of ultrasonic waves, properties of ultrasonic waves, use of ultrasonics for nondestructive testing, applications of ultrasonics.
Dielectric Properties: Electric dipole, dipole moment, dielectric constant, polarizability, electric
susceptibility, displacement vector, electronic, ionic and orientation polarizations and calculation of their polarizabilitites, internal field, Clausius-Mossotti relation, Piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity and ferroelectricity-BaTiO3 structure.
Magnetic Properties: Permeability, field intensity, magnetic field induction, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, origin of magnetic moment, Bohr magneton, classification of dia, para and ferro magnetic materials on the basis of magnetic moment, hysteresis curve based on domain theory, soft and hard magnetic materials, properties of anti-ferro and ferri magnetic materials.
Superconductivity: Superconductivity phenomenon, Meissner effect, applications of superconductivity.
Text books:
- Solid State Physics, A. J. Dekkar, MacMillan publishers
- Fundamentals of Physics, Alan Giambattisa, BM Richardson and Robert C Richardson, Tata McGraw hill Publishers
- Fundamentals of Acoustics, Kinster and Frey, John Wiley and Sons.
Reference Books:
- Solid state physics, Charles Kittel, Wiley student edition
- University Physics, Francis W. Sears, Hugh D. Young, Marle Zeemansky and Roger A Freedman, Pearson Education.
- Introduction to Magnetic Materials, B.D. Cullity, C.D.Graham, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication.
- Elastic and Inelastic Stress Analysis, Irving H. Shames, Francis A. Cozzarelli, Taylor, & Francis Group.
CreatedDec 15, 2016
UpdatedDec 15, 2016