Note: This syllabus is common for 

  • R18 - B.Tech. I Year I Sem. - ECE & EIE.
  • R18 - B.Tech. I Year I Sem. - CSE (AI & ML) & CSE (IoT)
  • R18 - B.Tech. I Year II Sem. - EEE, CSE, IT, ECE, & EIE.
  • R18 - B.Tech. I Year II Sem. - CSE (Cyber Security), CSE (Data Science), CSE (Networks) & Computer Engineering (Software Engg.)


B.Tech. I Year II Sem. L T P C

0 0 3 1.5

List of Experiments:

  1. Energy gap of P-N junction diode: To determine the energy gap of a semiconductor diode.
  2. Solar Cell: To study the V-I Characteristics of solar cell.
  3. Light emitting diode: Plot V-I and P-I characteristics of light emitting diode.
  4. Stewart – Gee’s experiment: Determination of magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying coil.
  5. Hall effect: To determine Hall co-efficient of a given semiconductor.
  6. Photoelectric effect: To determine work function of a given material.
  7. LASER: To study the characteristics of LASER sources.
  8. Optical fibre: To determine the bending losses of Optical fibres.
  9. LCR Circuit: To determine the Quality factor of LCR Circuit.
  10. R-C Circuit: To determine the time constant of R-C circuit.

Note: Any 8 experiments are to be performed

  • Created
    Nov 28, 2020
  • Updated
    Dec 11, 2020
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