B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T P C
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Course Objectives:
- To introduce circuit realizations with components such as diodes, BJTs and transistors studied earlier.
- To give understanding of various types of amplifier circuits such as small signal, cascaded, large signal and tuned amplifiers.
- To familiarize the Concept of feedback in amplifiers so as to differentiate between negative and positive feedback.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the Course, the students will be able to:
- Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits applying the biasing techniques learnt earlier.
- Cascade different amplifier configurations to obtain the required overall specifications like Gain, Bandwidth, Input and Output interfacing Impedances.
- Design and realize different classes of Power Amplifiers and tuned amplifiers useable for audio and Radio applications.
- Utilize the Concepts of negative feedback to improve the stability of amplifiers and positive feedback to generate sustained oscillations.
Analysis And Design of Small Signal Low Frequency BJT Amplifiers: Review of transistor biasing, Classification of Amplifiers – Distortion in amplifiers, Analysis of CE, CC, and CB Amplifiers and CE Amplifier with emitter resistance, low frequency response of BJT Amplifiers, effect of coupling and bypass capacitors, Design of single stage RC coupled amplifier Different coupling schemes used in amplifiers, Analysis of Cascaded RC Coupled amplifiers, Cascode amplifier, Darlington pair,
Transistor At High Frequency: The Hybrid- pi () – Common Emitter transistor model, CE short circuit current gain, current gain with resistive load, single stage CE transistor amplifier response, Gain-bandwidth product.
FET Amplifiers: Analysis of JFET Amplifiers, Analysis of CS, CD, CG JFET Amplifiers, comparison of performance with BJT Amplifiers, Basic Concepts of MOS Amplifiers, – MOSFET – MOSFET Characteristics in Enhancement and Depletion mode – MOS Small signal model, Common source amplifier with resistive, Diode connected and Current source loads, Source follower, Common Gate Stage, Cascode and Folded Cascode Amplifier – frequency response.
Positive & Negative Feedback In Amplifiers: Classification of amplifiers, Concepts of feedback – Classification of feedback amplifiers – General characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers – Effect of Feedback on Amplifier characteristics – Voltage series, Voltage shunt, Current series and Current shunt Feedback configurations – Simple problems. Condition for oscillations. RC and LC type Oscillators – Frequency and amplitude stability of oscillators – Generalized analysis of LC oscillators, Quartz, Hartley, and Colpitts Oscillators – RC-phase shift and Wien-bridge oscillators.
Large Signal Amplifiers: Class A Power Amplifier, Maximum Value of Efficiency of Class – A Amplifier, Transformer Coupled Amplifier, Push Pull and Complimentary Symmetry Class B and Class AB Power Amplifiers – Principle of operation of class –C Amplifier, Transistor Power Dissipation, Heat Sinks.
Tuned Amplifiers: Introduction, Q-Factor, Small Signal Tuned Amplifiers, frequency response of tuned amplifiers
- Electronic Devices and Circuits, David A. Bell – 5th Edition, Oxford.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits, S. Salivahanan, N. Suresh Kumar, A Vallvaraj, 5th Edition, MC GRAW HILL EDUCATION.
- Electronics circuits and applications , Md H Rashid, Cengage 2014
- Integrated Electronics, Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias, McGraw Hill Education
- Electronic Devices and Circuits theory– Robert L. Boylestead, Louis Nashelsky, 11th Edition, 2009, Pearson.
- Electronic Devices Conventional and current version -Thomas L. Floyd 2015, person
CreatedMay 29, 2017
UpdatedMay 29, 2017