II Year B.Tech. EEE I-Sem L T P C
0 0 2 1
Prerequisite: Analog Electronics
Course Objectives:
- To introduce components such as diodes, BJTs and FETs their switching characteristics, applications
- Learn the concepts of high frequency analysis of transistors.
- To give understanding of various types of basic and feedback amplifier circuits such as small signal, cascaded, large signal and tuned amplifiers.
- To introduce the basic building blocks of linear integrated circuits.
- To introduce the concepts of waveform generation and introduce some special function ICs.
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
- Know the characteristics, utilization of various components.
- Understand the biasing techniques
- Design and analyze various rectifiers, small signal amplifier circuits.
- Design sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators.
- A thorough understanding, functioning of OP-AMP, design OP-AMP based circuits with linear integrated circuits.
List of Experiments
- PN Junction diode characteristics A) Forward bias B) Reverse bias.
- Full Wave Rectifier with & without filters
- Common Emitter Amplifier Characteristics
- Common Base Amplifier Characteristics
- Common Source amplifier Characteristics
- Measurement of h-parameters of transistor in CB, CE, CC configurations
- Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifiers using Op Amps.
- Adder and Subtractor using Op Amp.
- Integrator Circuit using IC 741.
- Differentiator circuit using Op Amp.
- Current Shunt Feedback amplifier
- RC Phase shift Oscillator
- Hartley and Colpitt’s Oscillators
- Class A power amplifier
CreatedDec 13, 2020
UpdatedDec 13, 2020