III Year B.Tech. ECE I - Sem L  T/P/D  C 
-  -/3/-  2 

Note: Minimum 12 experiments should be conducted : 

All these experiments are to be simulated first either using MATLAB, Comsim or any other simulation package and then to be realized in hardware.

  1. Amplitude modulation and demodulation. 
  2. DSB-SC Modulator & Detector
  3. SSB-SC Modulator & Detector (Phase Shift Method)
  4. Frequency modulation and demodulation.
  5. Study of spectrum analyzer and analysis of AM and FM Signals
  6. Pre-emphasis & de-emphasis.
  7. Time Division Multiplexing & De multiplexing
  8. Frequency Division Multiplexing & De multiplexing
  9. Verification of Sampling Theorem
  10. Pulse Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation
  11. Pulse Width Modulation & Demodulation
  12. Pulse Position Modulation & Demodulation
  13. Frequency Synthesizer.
  14. AGC Characteristics
  15. PLL as FM Demodulator

Equipment required for Laboratories: 

  1. RPS - 0 – 30 V 
  2. CRO - 0 – 20 M Hz. 
  3. Function Generators - 0 – 1 M Hz 
  4. RF Generators - 0 – 1000 M Hz./0 – 100 M Hz. 
  5. Multimeters 
  6. Lab Experimental kits for Analog Communication 
  7. Components 
  8. Radio Receiver/TV Receiver Demo kits or Trainees. 
  9. Spectrum Analyzer - 60 M Hz
  10. Any one simulation package
  • Created
    Jun 06, 2015
  • Updated
    Jun 06, 2015
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