Note: This syllabus is common for
- R18 - B.TECH II Year I Sem. - CSE, IT
B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
0 0/2/0 1
Course Objectives
- To introduce components such as diodes, BJTs and FETs.
- To know the applications of components.
- To give understanding of various types of amplifier circuits
- To learn basic techniques for the design of digital circuits and fundamental concepts used in the design of digital systems.
- To understand the concepts of combinational logic circuits and sequential circuits.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the Course, the students will be able to:
- Know the characteristics of various components.
- Understand the utilization of components.
- Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits.
- Postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions
- Design and analyze combinational and sequential circuits
- Known about the logic families and realization of logic gates.
- Full Wave Rectifier with & without filters
- Common Emitter Amplifier Characteristics
- Common Base Amplifier Characteristics
- Common Source amplifier Characteristics
- Measurement of h-parameters of transistor in CB, CE, CC configurations
- Input and Output characteristics of FET in CS configuration
- Realization of Boolean Expressions using Gates
- Design and realization logic gates using universal gates
- generation of clock using NAND / NOR gates
- Design a 4 – bit Adder / Subtractor
- Design and realization a Synchronous and Asynchronous counter using flip-flops
- Realization of logic gates using DTL, TTL, ECL, etc.
CreatedNov 30, 2020
UpdatedDec 12, 2020