Note: This syllabus is common for 

  • R18 - B.TECH II Year I Sem. - CSE, IT


B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T/P/D C

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Course Objectives

  • To introduce components such as diodes, BJTs and FETs.
  • To know the applications of components.
  • To give understanding of various types of amplifier circuits
  • To learn basic techniques for the design of digital circuits and fundamental concepts used in the design of digital systems.
  • To understand the concepts of combinational logic circuits and sequential circuits.

Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the Course, the students will be able to:

  • Know the characteristics of various components.
  • Understand the utilization of components.
  • Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits.
  • Postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions
  • Design and analyze combinational and sequential circuits
  • Known about the logic families and realization of logic gates.


  1. Full Wave Rectifier with & without filters
  2. Common Emitter Amplifier Characteristics
  3. Common Base Amplifier Characteristics
  4. Common Source amplifier Characteristics
  5. Measurement of h-parameters of transistor in CB, CE, CC configurations
  6. Input and Output characteristics of FET in CS configuration
  7. Realization of Boolean Expressions using Gates
  8. Design and realization logic gates using universal gates
  9. generation of clock using NAND / NOR gates
  10. Design a 4 – bit Adder / Subtractor
  11. Design and realization a Synchronous and Asynchronous counter using flip-flops
  12. Realization of logic gates using DTL, TTL, ECL, etc.
  • Created
    Nov 30, 2020
  • Updated
    Dec 12, 2020
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