III Year B.Tech. AE - I Sem L T/P/D C
4 -/-/- 4
Aim & Objectives:
The subjects will introduce the air transportation systems in detial.
Aviation industry & its regulatory authorities: Intorduction, history of aviation-evolution, development, growth, challenges. Aerospace industry, air transportion industry-economic impact- types and causes. Airline Industry-structure and economic characteristics.
The bredth of regulation- ICAO, IATA, national authorities (DGCA, FAA). Safety regulations-risk assessment-human factors and safety, security regulations, envioronmental regulations.
Airspace: Categories of airspac-separation minima, airspace sectors-capacity, demand and delay. Evolution of air traffic control system-procedural ATC system, procedural ATC with radar assistance, first generation 'automated' ATC system, current generation radar and computer-based ATC systems. Aerodrome air traffic control equipment and operation-ICAO future air-navigation system servise provides as businesses.
Communication, navigation and surveillance systems(CNSS). Radio communications-VHF, HF, ACARS, SSR, ADS. Navigation- NDB, VOR, DME, area-navigation systems (R-Nav), ILS, MLS, GPS, INS.
Aircraft: Costs-pproject cash-flow, aircraft price. Compatibility with the operational infrastructure. Direct and indirect operating costs. Balancing efficiency and effectiveness-payload-range, fuel efficiency, technical contribution to performance, operating speed and altitude, aircraft field length performance, typical operating costs. Effectiveness-wake-vrotices, cabin dimensions, flight deck.
Airprots: Setting up an airport-airport demand, airport siting, runway chracteristics-length, declared distances, aerodrome areas, obstacle safegurarding. Runway capacity- evaluating runway capacity -sustainablerunway capacity. Runway pavement length, Manoeuvring area- airfield lighting, aprons, Passenger terminals-terminal sizing and configuration. Airport demand, capacity and delay.
Airlines: Setting up an aieline-modern airline objectives. Route selection and development, airline objectives. Route selection and development, airline fleet planning, annual utilization and aircraft size, seating arrangements. Indirect operating costs. Aaircraft- buy or lease. Revenue generation, Computerized reservation systems, yield management. Integrating service quality into the revenue-generation process. Marketingthe seats. Airlinescheduling, Evaluating sucess-financial viability, regularity compliance, efficient use of resources, effective service.
- Hirst, M., The Air Transport System,Woodhead Publishing Ltd,Cambridge, England, 2008.
- Wensven, J.G.,Air Transportion:A Management Perspective, Ashgate, 2007.
- Belobaba,P.,Odoni,A.and Barnhart,C.,Global Airline Industry, Wiley,2009.
- M.Bazargan,M., Airline operations and Scheduling Ashgate, 2004.
- Nolan,M.s., Fundamentals of Air Traffic Control,fourth edn., Thomson Learning, 2004.
- Wells, A. and young, S.,Airport Planning and Management, fifth edn., McGraw-Hill, 1986.
Outcome: The student with aqurie opernational knowledge of air transport.
CreatedMay 28, 2015
UpdatedMay 29, 2015