III Year B.Tech. AE - I Sem      L   T/P/D   C
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Thin Plate Theory, Structural Instability:  Analysis of thin rectangular plates subject to bending, twisting, distributed transveres load, combined bending and in-plane loading-thin plates having small initial curvature,energy methods ofanalysis.
Buckling of thin plates-elastic, inelastic, experimental determination of critical load for a flat plate,local instability, Tension field beams- complete diagonal tension, incomplete diagonal tension.


Bending, Shear and Torsion of Thin Walled Beams: Unsymmetrical bending-resolution of bending moments, direct stress distribution,position of neutral axis.Deflections due to bending-approximations for thin walled sections,temperature effects.
Shear loaded thin Walled beams-general sterss, strain and displacement relationships, direct stress, shear centre, twist and warping.
Torsion of beams of closed section-displacements associated with BredtBatho shear flow. Torsion of open section beams.warping of cross section conditions for zero wraping. Bending, shear, torsion of combined open and closed section beams.


Structural ldealisation of Thin Walled Beams: Structural idealization-principal assumptions, idealization of panel, effect on the analysis of thin Walled beams Under bending, shear, torsion loading-application to determining deflection.


Structural and Loading Discontinuities in Thin Walled Beams: Closed section beams-shear stress distribution of a closed section beam built in at one end under bending,shear and torsion loads.open section beams-I Section beam Subjected to torsion, torsion of beam of arbitrary section, torsion bending constant, distributed torque loading-extension of theory for general systems of loading.shear lag-effect of shearing strains in beams-redistributed of bending stresses due to restraining of Warping, limitation of elementary bending theory, effect of accounting for shear lag on the estimated strength. 


Stress Analysis of Aircraft Components- Wing, Fuselage: Wing spars and box beams-tapered wing spar, open and closed section beams, beams having variable Stringer areas.Wings-Three-boom shell in bending, torsion, shear, tapered wings, deflections, cut-outs in wings.

Bending, shear, trosion, cut-outs in fuselages, fuselage farmes and wing ribs-principles of stiffener/ web construction, fuselage farmes,wing ribs.


  1. Megson, T. M. G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students,fourth edn., Elsevier, 2007, ISBN 0-750-667397. 
  2. Peery, D. J. and Azar,J.J., Aircraft structures, second edn., MCGra-Hill,1982, ISBN 0-07-049196-8.


  1. Allen,D.H. and Haisler,W.E.,introduction to Aerospace structural Analysis,john Wiley,2010.
  2. Bruhn.E.H, Analysis and Design of Flight Vechicles structures,Tir-state off-set company,USA,1965.
  3. Lakshmi Narasaiah.G, Aircraft Stractures, BS Publications, 2010.
  4. Sechler.E.E. and Dunn, L.G., Aiplane Structural Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons.                                              
  • Created
    May 28, 2015
  • Updated
    May 28, 2015
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