III Year B.Tech. AE - I Sem L T/P/D C
4 -/-/- 4
- Study of construction and use of Universal Testing Machine, mechanical and optical extensometers- application to detremine stress-strain curves and tensile and compressive strength of various engineering materials.
- Bending tests- deflection of slender and short beams for various loading and end conditions- detremination of influence coefficients- verification of Maxwell's and Castigliano's theorems.
- Compression tests on long and short columns- determination of buckling loads- Southwell plot.
- Determination of the strength and deformation of riveted and bolted joints.
- Methods of inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT) of aircraft structual components.
- Strain gauge techniques- measurement of strain in beams, thin and thick walled cylinders subjected to internal pressure, shaft subjected to combined loading.
- Shear Centres of open and closed sections- determination of the elastic axis of beams.
- Post buckling behaviour of shear panels- measurements on semi-tension field webs of beams.
- Determination of elastic constants of composite materials- flexural test on composites.
- Study and calibration of photo and magnetic speed pickups for the measurement of speed.
- Study and use of seismic pickups for the measurement of amplitude and frequency of vibration of structural components.
- Determination of critical frature toughness of aerospace materials.
- Megson, T.H.G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, 4th edn., Elsevier, 2007, ISBN 0-750-667397.
- Bruhn. E.H, Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicles Structures, Tri-state of Off-set Company, USA, 1965.
CreatedJun 06, 2015
UpdatedJun 06, 2015