R09 - December, 2011 - Regular Examinations - Set - 2.

III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011
Common to Information Technology, Electronics And Computer
Engineering, Computer Science And Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain the principles of class - based component design in detail. [15]
2. (a) Explain various tests conducted during coding phase of software engineering.
(b) Discuss the metrics for testing. [8 7]
3. Elaborate on uni ed process in detail. [15]
4. (a) Di erentiate between function-oriented and size - oriented metrics.
(b) Explain the merits and demerits of use case-oriented metrics. [7 8]
5. What is a view point? Explain its significance. Discuss various types of view points.
6. (a) What is SPICE? Explain.
(b) Discuss about CBAIPI. [8 7]
7. (a) What is functional independence? Explain its consequences to software design.
(b) Discuss about refactoring in detail. [8 7]
8. (a) What do you mean by risk - oriented decisions? Explain.
(b) Explain the role of software engineering methods in achieving software quality.
[7 8]
  • Created
    Sep 29, 2012
  • Updated
    Sep 29, 2012
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