R09 - December, 2011 - Regular Examinations - Set - 3.
B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. Explain in detail about various language implementation methods. [15]
2. Compute the weakest precondition for each of the following assignment statements and post conditions:
a) a=2*(b-1)-1 {a>0}
b) b=(c 10)/3 {b>6}
c) a=a 2*b-1 {a>1}
d) x=2*y x-1 {x>11}. [15]
3.a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic type binding?
b) Explain about associative arrays. [7 8]
4.a) Define narrowing and widening conversions.
b) What is a mixed mode expression?
c) What are the design issues for logically controlled loop statements? [15]
5. Explain about various implementation models of parameter passing. [15]
6.a) What are the language design requirements for a language that supports abstract data types?
b) Explain in detail about monitors. [7 8]
7.a) Explain in detail about exception handling in Ada.
b) What are the three features of Haskell that make it very different from Scheme?
c) What does lazy evaluation mean? [15]
8. Write short notes on the following.
a) Functional programming languages
b) Semaphores
c) Guarded commands. [15]
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. Explain in detail about various language implementation methods. [15]
2. Compute the weakest precondition for each of the following assignment statements and post conditions:
a) a=2*(b-1)-1 {a>0}
b) b=(c 10)/3 {b>6}
c) a=a 2*b-1 {a>1}
d) x=2*y x-1 {x>11}. [15]
3.a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic type binding?
b) Explain about associative arrays. [7 8]
4.a) Define narrowing and widening conversions.
b) What is a mixed mode expression?
c) What are the design issues for logically controlled loop statements? [15]
5. Explain about various implementation models of parameter passing. [15]
6.a) What are the language design requirements for a language that supports abstract data types?
b) Explain in detail about monitors. [7 8]
7.a) Explain in detail about exception handling in Ada.
b) What are the three features of Haskell that make it very different from Scheme?
c) What does lazy evaluation mean? [15]
8. Write short notes on the following.
a) Functional programming languages
b) Semaphores
c) Guarded commands. [15]
CreatedSep 29, 2012
UpdatedSep 29, 2012