R09 - December, 2011 - Regular Examinations - Set - 4.
B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) What is segmentation? What are its advantages? How is segmentation implemented in typical microprocessors?
b) What are assembler directives and explain the following assembler directives
i) ASSUME (ii) SEGMENT (iii) DB (iv) PUBLIC [8 7]
2.a) Explain following instructions in 8086 family with example and their effect on flags
i) CWD (ii) IDIV (iii) AAS (iv) SAR
b) Write an assembly language program for bubble sort. [7 8]
3.a) Show and explain how a typical DMA controller can be interfaced to an 8086 based Maximum mode system.
b) Distinguish between maximum and minimum modes of operations of 8086 with timing diagrams [8 7]
4.a) Explain interfacing of keyboard to 8086 with neat schematic diagram.
b) Write an assembly language program for the interfacing of stepper motor to 8086. [7 8]
5.a) What is a nested interrupt? Explain the interrupt vector table structure of 8086.
b) Explain the need for cascading of interrupt controller with neat diagram [8 7]
6.a) Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous types of serial communication.
b) Discuss DOS function call and BIOS function call with one example of each.
[8 7]
7.a) Explain how 8051 differentiates between external and internal program memory
b) Explain the following important operational features of 8051 in detail. [8 7]
i ) PSW ii) TMOD iii) TCON iv) SCON
8. Write a short note on the following
a) Explain architecture of USART 8251
b) Timer operation in 8051
c) Interfacing of ADC to 8086. [15]
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) What is segmentation? What are its advantages? How is segmentation implemented in typical microprocessors?
b) What are assembler directives and explain the following assembler directives
i) ASSUME (ii) SEGMENT (iii) DB (iv) PUBLIC [8 7]
2.a) Explain following instructions in 8086 family with example and their effect on flags
i) CWD (ii) IDIV (iii) AAS (iv) SAR
b) Write an assembly language program for bubble sort. [7 8]
3.a) Show and explain how a typical DMA controller can be interfaced to an 8086 based Maximum mode system.
b) Distinguish between maximum and minimum modes of operations of 8086 with timing diagrams [8 7]
4.a) Explain interfacing of keyboard to 8086 with neat schematic diagram.
b) Write an assembly language program for the interfacing of stepper motor to 8086. [7 8]
5.a) What is a nested interrupt? Explain the interrupt vector table structure of 8086.
b) Explain the need for cascading of interrupt controller with neat diagram [8 7]
6.a) Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous types of serial communication.
b) Discuss DOS function call and BIOS function call with one example of each.
[8 7]
7.a) Explain how 8051 differentiates between external and internal program memory
b) Explain the following important operational features of 8051 in detail. [8 7]
i ) PSW ii) TMOD iii) TCON iv) SCON
8. Write a short note on the following
a) Explain architecture of USART 8251
b) Timer operation in 8051
c) Interfacing of ADC to 8086. [15]
CreatedSep 29, 2012
UpdatedSep 29, 2012