R09 - December, 2011 - Regular Examinations - Set - 2.

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Draw and explain the flag register of 8086.
b) Write an Assembly Language Program to convert a given sixteen bit binary number to its gray equivalent. [7 8]
2.a) Explain about string manipulation instructions with suitable examples
b) Write an Assembly Language Program to sort the numbers in ascending order using bubble sort. [7 8]
3.a) Explain about the interfacing of SRAM with 8086 with read and write cycle timing diagrams?
b) Explain the interface of Direct Memory Access (DMA) to the 8086 by showing transfer cycles of a block of data from memory to memory. [7 8]
4.a) Write an Assembly Language program for interfacing 4X4 keyboard matrix to an 8088 microprocessor through 8255A
b) Draw the interfacing schematic of an 8-digit LED display to an 8086 microprocessor through 8255A and explain briefly the operation. [7 8]
5.a) Explain functionality and use of Interrupt Request Register and In Service Registers of 8259.
b) Draw the communication interface diagram of USART 8251 and explain various signals. [7 8]
6.a) With the help of a functional block diagram explain any one application of 8051 microcontroller.
b) Write 8051 ALP to transmit ‘Hello World’ to PC at 9600 baud for external crystal frequency of 11.0592MHz. [7 8]
7.a) Explain interrupt structure of 8051.
b) How 8051 micro controller can be interfaced with external ROM, Explain with examples? [7 8]
8. Write short notes on the following
a) Instruction set 8051.
b) Distinguish between procedures and macros.
c) Memory organization structure of 8086. [15]
  • Created
    Sep 29, 2012
  • Updated
    Sep 29, 2012
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