R09 - December, 2011 - Regular Examinations - Set - 4.
B.Tech II Year - I Semester Examinations, December 2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Explain Avalanche and Zener break down mechanisms in semiconductors and compare them?
b) For the Zener diode circuit shown in Figure.1, determine VL, VR , IZ & R. [5 10]
2.a) With reference to the Rectifiers, Explain the following terms:
i) Ripple Factor
ii) Efficiency
iii) Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV)
iv) % Regulation
b) A 230 V, 60Hz voltage is applied to the primary of a 5:1 step down, center tapped transformer used in a full wave rectifier having a load of 900?. If the diode resistance and the secondary coil resistance together have a resistance of 100 ?, determine i) DC voltage across the load.
ii) DC current flowing through the load.
iii) DC power delivered to the load.
iv) PIV across each diode. [8 7]
3.a) Draw the circuit diagram of NPN transistor in Common Collector (CC) configuration. With neat sketches and necessary equations, describe its static input- output characteristics and clearly indicate the cut-off, saturation & active regions on the output characteristics?
b) Derive the relationship among ?, ? and ? in transistors? [9 6]
4.a) What do you mean by biasing a transistor? Explain the need of biasing a transistor for the construction of a faithful amplifier?
b) Design an Emitter bias circuit using silicon transistor to achieve a stability factor of 20, with the following specifications: VCC = 16V, VBE = 0.7V, VCEQ = 8V,
ICQ = 4 mA & ?= 50. [7 8]
5.a) Draw the circuit and small-signal model of CE amplifier with unbypassed emitter resistor. Derive the expressions for input resistance & voltage gain?
b) A bipolar junction transistor with hie = 1100?, hfe = 50, hre = 2.4x10-4, hoe = 25 ?A/V, is to drive a load of 1K? in CB amplifier arrangement. Estimate AV, AI, Ri & R0. [8 7]
6.a) Explain the construction & operation of a N-channel MOSFET in enhancement and depletion modes with the help of static drain characteristics and transfer characteristics?
b) In an n-channel FET, the effective channel width is 3x 10-4cm and the donor impurity concentration is 1015 electrons/cm3. Find the pinch-off voltage? [10 5]
7.a) Show the self-bias arrangement for a Field Effect Transistor. With necessary expressions describe the procedure of Q-point establishment and stabilization?
b) In the common source FET amplifier shown in Figure.2, the transconductance and drain dynamic resistance of the FET are 5mA/V and 1M? respectively. Estimate AV, Ri & R0. [8 7]
8.a) With neat energy band diagrams, explain the V-I characteristics of Tunnel diode. Also discuss the negative resistance property of tunnel diode.
b) Draw the two-transistor model of SCR and explain its operation. [10 5]
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Explain Avalanche and Zener break down mechanisms in semiconductors and compare them?
b) For the Zener diode circuit shown in Figure.1, determine VL, VR , IZ & R. [5 10]
2.a) With reference to the Rectifiers, Explain the following terms:
i) Ripple Factor
ii) Efficiency
iii) Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV)
iv) % Regulation
b) A 230 V, 60Hz voltage is applied to the primary of a 5:1 step down, center tapped transformer used in a full wave rectifier having a load of 900?. If the diode resistance and the secondary coil resistance together have a resistance of 100 ?, determine i) DC voltage across the load.
ii) DC current flowing through the load.
iii) DC power delivered to the load.
iv) PIV across each diode. [8 7]
3.a) Draw the circuit diagram of NPN transistor in Common Collector (CC) configuration. With neat sketches and necessary equations, describe its static input- output characteristics and clearly indicate the cut-off, saturation & active regions on the output characteristics?
b) Derive the relationship among ?, ? and ? in transistors? [9 6]
4.a) What do you mean by biasing a transistor? Explain the need of biasing a transistor for the construction of a faithful amplifier?
b) Design an Emitter bias circuit using silicon transistor to achieve a stability factor of 20, with the following specifications: VCC = 16V, VBE = 0.7V, VCEQ = 8V,
ICQ = 4 mA & ?= 50. [7 8]
5.a) Draw the circuit and small-signal model of CE amplifier with unbypassed emitter resistor. Derive the expressions for input resistance & voltage gain?
b) A bipolar junction transistor with hie = 1100?, hfe = 50, hre = 2.4x10-4, hoe = 25 ?A/V, is to drive a load of 1K? in CB amplifier arrangement. Estimate AV, AI, Ri & R0. [8 7]
6.a) Explain the construction & operation of a N-channel MOSFET in enhancement and depletion modes with the help of static drain characteristics and transfer characteristics?
b) In an n-channel FET, the effective channel width is 3x 10-4cm and the donor impurity concentration is 1015 electrons/cm3. Find the pinch-off voltage? [10 5]
7.a) Show the self-bias arrangement for a Field Effect Transistor. With necessary expressions describe the procedure of Q-point establishment and stabilization?
b) In the common source FET amplifier shown in Figure.2, the transconductance and drain dynamic resistance of the FET are 5mA/V and 1M? respectively. Estimate AV, Ri & R0. [8 7]
8.a) With neat energy band diagrams, explain the V-I characteristics of Tunnel diode. Also discuss the negative resistance property of tunnel diode.
b) Draw the two-transistor model of SCR and explain its operation. [10 5]
CreatedSep 29, 2012
UpdatedSep 29, 2012