R09 - December, 2011 - Regular Examinations - Set - 3.
B.Tech II Year - I Semester Examinations, December 2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) With the help of necessary sketches explain the potential distribution in an open circuited PN junction.
b) With the help of V-I Characteristics, explain the operation of a PN Diode under Forward bias and Reverse bias. [7 8]
2.a) With neat sketches explain the operation of a FWR with shunt capacitor filter & Derive the expression for its ripple factor.
b) A bridge rectifier uses four identical diodes having forward resistance of 5O each. Transformer secondary resistance is 5 ohms and the secondary voltage is 30V (rms). Determine the dc output voltage for Idc = 200 mA and value of the output ripple voltage. [7 8]
3.a) Draw the circuit diagram of NPN transistor in Common Base (CB) configuration. With neat sketches and necessary equations, describe its static input- output characteristics and clearly indicate the cut-off, saturation & active regions on the output characteristics?
b) With reference to a BJT, define the following terms and explain:
i) Emitter efficiency.
ii) Base transportation factor.
iii) Large signal current gain. [9 6]
4.a) Obtain the condition for thermal stability of a BJT used in a biasing circuit?
b) Design a self bias circuit using silicon transistor to achieve a stability factor of 10, with the following specifications: VCC = 16V, VBE = 0.7V, VCEQ = 8V, ICQ = 4 mA & ß= 50. [5 10]
5.a) Draw the circuit diagram & small signal equivalent circuit of CE amplifier using accurate h-parameter model. Derive expressions for AV, AI, Ri & R0.
b) A bipolar junction transistor with hie = 1100O, hfe = 50, hre = 2.4x10-4, hoe = 25 µA/V, is to drive a load of 1KO in Emitter-Follower arrangement. Estimate AV, AI, Ri & R0? [8 7]
6.a) With the help of neat sketches and characteristic curves explain the construction & operation of a JFET and mark the regions of operation on the characteristics?
b) Show that in Field Effect Transistor, the transconductance, gm = gmo [1- VGS/ Vp]
[8 7]
7.a) Draw the basic structure and equivalent circuit of UJT. Explain how the UJT can be used as a negative-resistance device with the aid of static characteristics.
b) In the common source FET amplifier shown in Figure.1, the transconductance and drain dynamic resistance of the FET are 5mA/V and 1MO respectively. Estimate AV, Ri & R0?
8.a) With neat sketches and necessary expressions describe V-I characteristics of a semiconductor photo diode?
b) With neat sketches and necessary expressions describe the operation of Varactor diode? [8 7]
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) With the help of necessary sketches explain the potential distribution in an open circuited PN junction.
b) With the help of V-I Characteristics, explain the operation of a PN Diode under Forward bias and Reverse bias. [7 8]
2.a) With neat sketches explain the operation of a FWR with shunt capacitor filter & Derive the expression for its ripple factor.
b) A bridge rectifier uses four identical diodes having forward resistance of 5O each. Transformer secondary resistance is 5 ohms and the secondary voltage is 30V (rms). Determine the dc output voltage for Idc = 200 mA and value of the output ripple voltage. [7 8]
3.a) Draw the circuit diagram of NPN transistor in Common Base (CB) configuration. With neat sketches and necessary equations, describe its static input- output characteristics and clearly indicate the cut-off, saturation & active regions on the output characteristics?
b) With reference to a BJT, define the following terms and explain:
i) Emitter efficiency.
ii) Base transportation factor.
iii) Large signal current gain. [9 6]
4.a) Obtain the condition for thermal stability of a BJT used in a biasing circuit?
b) Design a self bias circuit using silicon transistor to achieve a stability factor of 10, with the following specifications: VCC = 16V, VBE = 0.7V, VCEQ = 8V, ICQ = 4 mA & ß= 50. [5 10]
5.a) Draw the circuit diagram & small signal equivalent circuit of CE amplifier using accurate h-parameter model. Derive expressions for AV, AI, Ri & R0.
b) A bipolar junction transistor with hie = 1100O, hfe = 50, hre = 2.4x10-4, hoe = 25 µA/V, is to drive a load of 1KO in Emitter-Follower arrangement. Estimate AV, AI, Ri & R0? [8 7]
6.a) With the help of neat sketches and characteristic curves explain the construction & operation of a JFET and mark the regions of operation on the characteristics?
b) Show that in Field Effect Transistor, the transconductance, gm = gmo [1- VGS/ Vp]
[8 7]
7.a) Draw the basic structure and equivalent circuit of UJT. Explain how the UJT can be used as a negative-resistance device with the aid of static characteristics.
b) In the common source FET amplifier shown in Figure.1, the transconductance and drain dynamic resistance of the FET are 5mA/V and 1MO respectively. Estimate AV, Ri & R0?
8.a) With neat sketches and necessary expressions describe V-I characteristics of a semiconductor photo diode?
b) With neat sketches and necessary expressions describe the operation of Varactor diode? [8 7]
CreatedSep 29, 2012
UpdatedSep 29, 2012