R09 - December, 2011 - Regular Examinations - Set - 1.
B.Tech IIYear - I Semester Examinations, December 2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Explain how subtraction is done in signed binarynumber system considering one example.
b)Covert the Hexadecimal number 0x2456 into decimal number.
c)Convert the decimal number 1234.5678 into binary form.
d)To store a binary data 101101, how many registers are needed? Explain why? [15]
2. Explain any five Boolean functions and prove them.Explain the truth tables of X-OR, NAND, NOR gates. [15]
3.Explain how you convert sum of the products into product of sums. Give withexample.
Also minimize the following function.
F= (0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14). Show the gating circuitafter minimization. [15]
4. Explain how you design a combinational circuit.Show a combinational circuit for a Binary multiplier. [15]
5. Explain the design of Sequential circuit with anexample. Show the state reduction, state assignment. [15]
6. Explain the Ripple counter design. Also a decadecounter design. [15]
7. Explain the different types of memory. Explainerror detection and correction read only memory. [15]
8. What is the difference between synchronous andAsynchronous sequential logic. Design Asynchronous sequential logic with anexample and show race free state assignment hazard. [15]
CreatedSep 27, 2012
UpdatedSep 27, 2012