R09 - December, 2011 - Regular Examinations - Set - 3.
B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. Discuss the function of various layers of OSI Mode/ and compare with TCP/ IP Model. [15]
2.a) Distinguish between synchronous and Asynchronous Time division Multiplexing.
b) Compare circuit switching and Packet switching techniques. [15]
3.a) Describe the frame formats of HDCL Protocol.
b) Explain physical layer implementation of fast Ethernet and standard Ethernet.
4.a) What are Back bone Networks? Explain.
b) Explain the operation of Linear, Mesh and Ring SONET Networks. [15]
5.a) Give the frame format of IPV4. Explain the function of each field.
b) Describe the Procedure used for Checksum Calculation in IPV4. [15]
6.a) Explain and compare various techniques used to improve QOS.
b) Compare Integrated & Differential Services. [15]
7.a) Explain name – address and address – name resolution process.
b) Discuss commands and responses used in SMTP. [15]
8. Write a brief note on
i) Simple Network Management Protocol.(SNMP)
ii) RTP. [15]
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. Discuss the function of various layers of OSI Mode/ and compare with TCP/ IP Model. [15]
2.a) Distinguish between synchronous and Asynchronous Time division Multiplexing.
b) Compare circuit switching and Packet switching techniques. [15]
3.a) Describe the frame formats of HDCL Protocol.
b) Explain physical layer implementation of fast Ethernet and standard Ethernet.
4.a) What are Back bone Networks? Explain.
b) Explain the operation of Linear, Mesh and Ring SONET Networks. [15]
5.a) Give the frame format of IPV4. Explain the function of each field.
b) Describe the Procedure used for Checksum Calculation in IPV4. [15]
6.a) Explain and compare various techniques used to improve QOS.
b) Compare Integrated & Differential Services. [15]
7.a) Explain name – address and address – name resolution process.
b) Discuss commands and responses used in SMTP. [15]
8. Write a brief note on
i) Simple Network Management Protocol.(SNMP)
ii) RTP. [15]
CreatedSep 29, 2012
UpdatedSep 29, 2012