Write an ALP to read port 2 and write to port1 of 8051 micro controller.
Write an ALP to read port 2 and write to port1 of 8051 micro controller.
1. 8051 microcontrollerkit /keil evaluation version/sdcc —1 2. C.R.O 3. Connecting wires. --1
Step1: Write 0FF hex to make port2 as input port.
Step2: Read port 2 into reg A
Step3: complement regA
Step3: Write reg A to port1
Step4: Repeat step 2 to step3
MOV A, #0FFH ;A=FF hex MOV P 2, A ;make P0 an i/p port by writing it all 1s BACK: MOV A, P2 ;get data from P2 CPL A MOV P0, A ;send it to port 1 SJMP BACK ;keep doing it
1. Compile the program in keil compiler. 2. Down load program into micro controller. 3. set input in port 2 4. verify output in port 1
Expected results:
The values set to port 2 are read and send to port1.
Hex file generated:
:0B00000074FFF5A0E5A0F4F59080F976 :00000001FF
Viva-voce questions:
1) How many no. of ports available for 8051? 2) Which instructions are used for reading & writing data from/to ports of 8051? 3) What is an ISR and IVT? 4) What is the difference between software and hardware interrupt? 5) What is the vector address for serial communication interrupt?
UpdatedOct 23, 2014
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