Write a program in ALP to establish Communication between two processors using 8251.
Write a program in ALP to establish Communication between two processors using 8251.
1. ADS-SDA-86-STA kit 2. 8255 Study card 3. Adapter, Keyboard, Cables, Connecting Wires Etc...
1. Connect 8086 kit PC using RS232 cable. 2. Connect Power supply to 8086 kit and 8255 interfacing kit(only blue( 5v) and black(0v) lines Power cable to power supply) 3. Connect 8255 to CN4 of 8086 using 26 pin bus. 4. Keep the DIP switch in 1 & 7 on (8086kit), open TALK, and go to options select target device as 8086 and Connect. 5. Change dip switch into 1 & 5on, once reset 8086 kit. 6. Go to file →Download hex file 7. Keep the DIP switch in 1 & 7 on (8086kit) 8. G-5000(on kit keyboard), ‘ENTER CHANNEL NUMBER” displays on LCD display. 9. Type the channel number on kit keyboard and connect the connecting wire the particular channel and power supplies given to 8255 study card. Now observe the output on the 8086 kit
.OUTPUT 2500AD CONTROL EQU FFC6H ;control port address for 8255 PORTA EQU FFC0H ;porta address for 8255 PORTB EQU FFC2H ;portb address for 8255 PORTC EQU FFC4H ;portc address for 8255 KWAD EQU F800 : 4EEDH DBDTA EQUF800 : 4F1FH DSEG SEGMENT ORG 0000 : 4000H MSG DB 'Enter channel No',0h DSEG ENDS CSEG SEGMENT ASSUME CS : CSEG, DS : DSEG ORG 0000 : 5000H ;displaying message on LCD Callfar f800 : 4bb1h ;clear display movdi, 80h ;display in upper line MOV SI, offset MSG ; CALLFAR f800 : 4FC0h ;display output routine MOV AX, 0000H MOV DS, AX ;AD00: CALL FAR KWAD ;get key for channel selection MOV CX, SI MOV AL, 90H ;control word for PPI MOV DX, CONTROL OUT DX, AL ;portA->i/p port,portB->o/p port ;portC->o/p port. AD00: MOV AL, CL ;output channel number MOV DX, PORTC OUT DX, AL ;start conversion MOV AL, 0FH ;PC7 (START/ALE) set MOV DX, CONTROL OUT DX, AL PUSH CX MOV CX, 3FFFH DEL1: LOOP DEL1 POP CX MOV AL, 0EH ;PC7 reset MOV DX, CONTROL OUT DX, AL ;look for EOC MOV AL, 0CH ;reset PC6 to read EOC OUT DX, AL AD01: MOV DX, PORTA IN AL, DX ;poll the EOC line which AND AL, 80H ;is connected to PA7 line CMP AL, 80H JNZ AD01 ;if EOC (PA7) is high read the digital value otherwise again check for EOC (PA7) line MOV AL, 0DH ;set OE (PC6) to read value MOV DX, CONTROL OUT DX, AL ;before reading data from ADC set PC6 line MOV DX, PORTA IN AL, DX ;read digital value MOV AH, 00H MOV SI, AX PUSH CX CALL FAR DBDTA ;display digital value POP CX JMP AD00 CSEG ENDS END
Analog to Digital Conversion using 8255 is studied is Studied And The Output is Verified
Viva-voce questions:
1. What is the IC numbers of ADC and DAC? 2. How to interface ADC and DAC to 8086? 3. How does the 8086 microprocessor instruction set is classified? 4. Which operation is performed by the Negate instruction? 5. What is the difference between RET and IRET instruction?
UpdatedOct 23, 2014
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