
Features of UNI-51-SDK

UNI-51-SDK is an entry level MCS-51 hardware/software training and development platform.UNI-51-SDK allows you to have a well known and documented

hardware both under electronic and software point of view. UNI-51-SDK is ideal for setting up a basic embedded lab enabling large number of students to

study the concepts of embedded design and implement the same.

   In this photo, various sections of the UNI-51-SDK have been marked

Sections of UNI-51-SDK:

  1.  Experimental board for 40-pin MCS-51 of microcontrollers (a few AVR devices are also supported).
  2.  In-System Programming (ISP) facility for many microcontrollers.
  3.  Power-on RESET / Manual Reset. (Reset signal type: Active-High or Active-Low can be selected as per the device : MCS-51 or AVR).
  4.  Crystal frequency: 11.0592MHz.
  5.  On-board RS232 Level Converter terminated at a 9-Pin Subminiature 'D' female connector for Serial Communication with a PC. (MAX232 is used)
  6. 4x4 Matrix Keyboard. (Metal dome type switches).16x2 Alphanumeric LCD connector and potentiometer for contrast adjustment. (LCD must be operated in Nibble Mode)
  7.  Four 7-Segment Common Anode LED Display.(Use these or LCD at any given time using a selectable switch) I2C EEPROM - 24Cxx Series 
  8.  I2C Real Time Clock & SRAM - DS1307 (Backed by a CR2032 3 Volts Lithium Battery)
  9.  8-High current output port (500mA) for driving external loads - ULN2803.
  10. 1 Two 12V Sugar Cube Relays 
  11.  Continuous Tone Piezo Buzzer
  12. Socket for 1-wire temperature sensor - DS18B20 (Optional)
  13.  I2C 8-bit A/D (4 Channels) and D/A (1 Channel) - PCF8591
  14.  All port-pins available on 10-pin box header
  15.  Eight 3mm LEDs on PORT2.
  16.  Eight Tactile Switches (SPST) on PORT1.
  17.  ISP Programming header for use with ucFlash ISP .
  18.  Infrared remote control receiver module (RC5 remote control included)

Power Supply:

An AC-DC power adapter is required to power the UNI-51-SDK. The power adapter must be capable of supplying 12 volts at 500mA. The power output from this adapter is supplied to a bridge rectifier to ensure that wrong polarity doesn’t damage the board. A fixed linear 5 volt regulator generates 5 volts for the rest of the circuitry on UNI-51-SDK. Bulk capacitors at the output take care of surge current. A ferrite bead and a pair of ceramic capacitors are used for removing high frequency noise. A few decoupling ceramic capacitors have also been placed around the board.

Getting the Software Environment Ready

This chapter describes how to install the various software required to develop pplications describes how to install the various software required to develop applications using 8051 based microcontrollers.

MIDE-51 Studio

What is MIDE-51 Studio?

        MIDE-51 Studio is an Integrated Development Environment for MCS-51 family of microcontrollers. It is meant to run on Microsoft Windows 32-bit platform. An Integrated Development Environment is a collection of tools for developing software on a General Purpose Personal Computer for a particular family of microcontrollers or microprocessors. Such a collection of tools can also be called a “toolchain” program. 

Source code editors have features specifically designed to simplify and speed up input of source code, such as syntax highlighting, auto complete and bracket matching functionality. 

Compiler/Interpreter/Assembler/Linker: Special programs to convert the program source code to machine language. 

Compilers: Compilers convert High-level language program code to machine code.

Assemblers: Assemblers convert assembly code (Mnemonics) to machine code. Build Automation Tools: These help in automating the process of compiling the code without manually executing the Compiler, Linkers or Assemblers after making changes in the source code. Usually a single click will enable one to execute the required programs in a specific order to convert source code to machine code. 

Emulator/ Simulators: These programs allow the programmer to test his program before he actually runs it on the target microprocessor/microcontroller. It helps one to perform simple test to find out mistake in one’s code without wasting time in downloading the program to target system and running the software on it. 

Program Download Utility / Debugging Utility: These are required when the code being written on the General Purpose Computer is meant for an external system possessing its own microcontroller/microprocessor. 

A programmer along with its front end Program Download Utility allows one to only download the compiled machine code to target system, where as a Background Debugger along with its front end Debugging Utility allows live flow of data between the General Purpose Computer and the target system as it is running the program.

      MIDE-51 Studio is a free collection of following development tools for the 8051 based microcontrollers:

  1.  A Source Code Editor
  2.  An Assembler: ASEM-51
  3.  A C Compiler: Small Device C Compiler
  4.  A Simulator: TS Control Emulator 8051
  5.  Another Simulator: JSIM-51

The latest version of MIDE-51 Studio was This version is composed of

   • ASEM-51 V1.3 MCU file 

   • SDCC 2.6.1 (snapshot and document 060914)

   • TS Control Emulator 8051 v1.0 (evaluation 2KB simulator limited)

   • JSIM-51 v4.05

MIDE-51 Studio boasts of the following features:

  1. Syntax highlighter on ASEM-51 reserved word & addition register on selected device (devices listed on ASEM51/MCU folder)
  2.  Syntax highlighter on SDCC reserved word & MCS-51 standard register Support multi document workspace
  3.  Support standard editor feature and shortcut key such as Cut , Copy, Paste, Find, Replace and Windows tile & cascade
  4.  Editor font style and size selectable

There are many other IDEs available for 8051 based microcontrollers. They are used for professional projects and are not available for free. The following is a representative but not exhaustive list of IDEs for 8051 microcontrollers.

Flash Magic:
What is Flash Magic?
Flash Magic is a PC tool for programming flash based microcontrollers from NXP using a serial protocol while in the target hardware. It is developed and maintained by Embedded Systems Academy.

Software Designing Process:
Step 1:
Install and configure FlashMagic and MIDE-51 Studio. 

Step 2:
Copy the folder “User Manual - C Language” from the CD to your hard disk. This is because the files and folders on the CD are Read Only and you won’t be able to compile the programs otherwise.

Select new file from file menu.

Write the program in the editor window.

Save the program as “filename .c/filename.asm”. 

Step 6:
Press the F9 function key from the keyboard to build the program or directly go to build option on editor window. After build is completed “filename.C” that the following new files have been



Step 7:
 1. Connect the UNI-51- SDK to the Computer using RS-232 straight serial cable.

2. Start Flash Magic and select the options for P89V51RD2 as shown on the left.

3. Browse for and locate the “01.hex” file from the folder “User Manual-C Language\01 – LED Blink\Source Code”. During this time,   please keep the UNI- 51-SDK powered off.

Step 8:
Now power on the SDK-51 kit.

Press the RESET button on the UNI-51-SDK and keep it pressed. While keeping it pressed, click “Start” in the Flash Magic window and wait till a pop window like the one shown on the left appears.

Step 9:

Release the RESET button. This will cause the microcontroller to enter ISP mode and the program will be downloaded into the microcontroller. The progress will be shown in the Flash Magic window.

After the program is downloaded, press the reset switch on UNI-51- SDK. The microcontroller will now execute the program and you will see the output.




  • Updated
    Nov 19, 2019
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