Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:
- Create a
singly linked list
of integer elements. - Traverse the above list and display the elements.
Step 1: Start Step 2: Declare a structure named linked-list Step 3: Declare the pointers next, first, fresh, ptr Step 4: print main menu Step 5: Read choice Step 6: switch(choice) Step 7: if(choice == 1) 7.1: Assign fresh = malloc(size of (node)) 7.2: Read the element fresh -> data 7.3: Read the choice where to insert 7.4: switch(choice) 7.4.1: if choice == 1 7.4.2: call the function IBegin() 7.4.3: if choice == 2 7.4.4: call the function Iend() 7.4.5: if choice == 3 7.4.6: call the function Imiddle() Step 8: if(choice == 2) 8.1: Read the position to delete 8.2: switch(choice) 8.2.1: if choice == 1 8.2.2: call the function DBegin() 8.2.3: if choice == 2 8.2.4: call the function Dend() 8.2.5: if choice == 3 8.2.6: call the function Dmiddle() Step 9: if choice == 3 9.1 Call function view Step 10: if choice == 4 10.1 exit() Step 11: Start insert function Step 12: if(first == null) Step 13: first -> data = e Step 14: first -> next = null Step 15: else declare new node Step 16: fresh -> data = e Step 17: if choice = 1 Step 18: first -> next = first Step 19: first = fresh Step 20: if choice = 2 Step 21: ptr = first Step 22: ptr -> next = fresh Step 23: fresh -> next = full Step 24: if choice = 3 Step 25: Enter the position Step 26: at p - 1 node Step 27: fresh -> next = ptr -> next Step 28: ptr -> next = fresh Step 29: for delete function Step 30: if first != null Step 31: Enter the position to delete Step 32: if choice = 1 Step 33: d = first -> data Step 34: first = first -> next Step 35: if choice = 2 Step 36: ptr = first Step 37: Traverse to last node Step 38: d = ptr -> next -> data Step 39: ptr -> next = ptr -> next -> next Step 40: Print d value Step 41: for function view Step 42: for ptr = first and ptr != null and ptr = ptr -> next Step 43: print ptr -> data Step 44: End
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> void create(); void insert(); void del(); void display(); struct node { int data; struct node *link; }; struct node *first = null, *last = null ,*next, *curr, *prev; int ch; void main() { clrscr(); printf(“singly linked list \n”); do { printf(“\n 1.create \n 2.insert \n 3.delete \n 4.exit \n ”); printf(“Enter your choice”); scanf(“%d”, &ch); switch(ch) { case 1: create(); display(); break; case 2: insert(); display(); break; case 3: del(); display(); break; case 4: exit(0); } } while(ch<=3); } void create() { curr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf(“Enter the data: ”); scanf(“%d”, &curr -> data); curr -> link = null; first = curr; last = curr; } void insert() { int pos, c = 1; curr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf(“Enter the data:”); scanf(“%d”, &curr -> data); printf(“Enter the position:”); scanf(“%d”, &pos); if((pos == 1) && (first != null)) { curr -> link = first; first = curr; } else { next = first; while(c < pos) { prev = next; next = prev -> link; c++; } if(prev == null) { printf(“\n Invalid position”); } else { curr -> link = prev -> link; prev -> link = curr; if(curr -> link == null) { last = curr; } } } void del() { int pos, c = 1; printf(“Enter the position”); scanf(“%d”, &pos); if(first = null) { printf(“\n list is empty”); } else if(pos == 1) && (first -> link == null) { printf(“\n Deleted element is %d \n”, curr -> data); free(curr); } else { next = first; while(c < pos) { prev = next; next = next -> link; c++; } prev -> link = next -> link; next -> link = null; if(next = null) { printf(“\n Invalid position”); } else { printf(“\n Deleted element is:%d\n”, next -> data); free(next); if(prev -> link == null) { last = prev; } } } } void display() { curr = first; while(curr != null) { printf(“\n %d”, curr -> data); curr = curr -> link; } }
Input & Output:
Singly linked list 1.create 2.insert 3.del 4.exit Enter your choice 1 Enter the data:2 1.create 2.insert 3.del 4.exit Enter your choice 2 Enter the data: 4 Enter the position: 2 2 4 1.create 2.insert 3.del 4.exit Enter your choice 4
UpdatedDec 12, 2021
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