To check the given string is palindrome (or) not


void main()
    char str[20], rev[20];
    int i, j, l;
    printf("Enter a string : ");
    scanf("%s", str);
    for(l = 0; str[l] != '\0'; l++);
    for(i = l - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++)
    rev[j] = str[i];
    rev[j] = '\0';
    if(stricmp(str, rev) == 0)
    printf("\nThe given string is a palindrome");
    printf("\nThe given string is not a palindrome");


Case: 1

Enter a string : madam
The given string is a palindrome

Case: 2

Enter a string : malayalam
The given string is a palindrome

Case: 3

Enter a string : liril
The given string is a palindrome

Case: 4

Enter a string : bhuvan
The given string is not a palindrome