Program to calculate the sine series


void main()
    int i, n;
    float x, val, sum, t;
    printf("Enter the value for x : ");
    scanf("%f", &x);
    printf("\nEnter the value for n : ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    val = x;
    x = x * 3.14159 / 180;
    t = x;
    sum = x;
    for(i = 1 ; i < n + 1 ; i++)
        t = (t * pow((double) (-1), (double) (2 * i - 1)) * x * x) / (2 * i * (2 * i + 1));
        sum = sum + t;
    printf("\nSine value of %f is : %8.4f", val, sum);


Enter the value for x : 30
Enter the value for n : 20
Sine value of 30.000000 is : 0.5000