Water Resource Planning and Management Mid - II, November - 2014

1.A convex function f, defined on some convex open interval C, is continuous on C and differentiable at all or at many points. If C is closed, then f may fail to be continuous at the end points of C.
  • Convex
  • Concave
  • Curvilinear
  • none
Answer: A
2.Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions are also known as
  • KKT conditions
  • KK conditions
  • TKK conditions
  • KT conditions.
Answer: A
3.The general non-linear optimization problem can be stated simply f(x) to minimize a
  • Cost-function
  • Optimal solution
  • Variable function
  • none
Answer: A
4.A constraint that expresses the restriction that a particular decision variable must be nonnegative (greater than or equal to zero). This is called as __________
  • Objective function
  • Unconstraint
  • Non-negativity constraint
  • Constraint
Answer: C
5.users can build a network ranging from a single reservoir on a single stream to a highly developed and interconnected system by combining reservoirs, reaches, junctions, and diversions.
  • HEC–5
  • HEC-ResSim
  • Both A & B
  • None
Answer: B
6.The following method it is assumed that the property loses its value by a fixed amount every year till it reaches scrap value.
  • Depreciation
  • Sinking fund
  • Straight line method
  • Systems
Answer: C
7.In ______ method, all benefits and costs of different alternatives are converted into their future worth figures.
  • Present worth
  • Future worth
  • Both A & B
  • none
Answer: B
8.Indirect costs are also known as
  • Project cost
  • associated cost
  • Secondary costs
  • Direct benefits
Answer: C
9.River Basin Management may change the basin characteristics
  • By the construction of storage or diversion structures.
  • By implementing allocation rules, water rights and permits.
  • By imposing taxes and subsidies to control water usage
  • All of the above
Answer: D
10.Determine the effective rate of interest, if the nominal rate of interest is 36%, and the money is compounded as Monthly.
  • 0.36
  • 0.3924
  • 0.4116
  • 0.4158
Answer: D
11.When all Eigen values are negative for all possible values of X, then X* is a global maximum, and when all eigen values are positive for all possible values of X, then X* is a .
12.The objective is not bounded on the feasible_ region is known as _____________ mathematical program.
Answer: Unbounded
13.One of the most popularly used reservoir system simulation models is the ____________ model developed by Hydrologic Engineering Centre
Answer: HEC–5
14.Input and output variables are not permitted to be random variables and models are described by exact functional relationships is known as ___________________ model.
Answer: Deterministic
15.S-O methodology reduces the size and complexity of the .
Answer: Optimization model
16.Fund is created by periodic deposits at compound interest to accumulate a certain sum at a given future time for specific purpose.
Answer: Sinking fund
17.The object of cost allocation is to _______________ distribute the costs of a multi-purpose project among the purposes served.
Answer: Equitably
18.Marginal benefit cost ratio is also known as _____________________ benefit cost ratio.
Answer: Incremental
19.The use of surface water and subsurface water i.e. groundwater can enhance the reliability of water supplies.
Answer: Conjunctive
20.An inequality or equation in a mathematical model that expresses some restrictions on the values that can be assigned to the decision variables is known as __________________
Answer: Constraint