Waste Management Mid - II, November - 2014

1.Raw material used in paper mill is
  • Pulp
  • Synthetic
  • Lignin
  • None of these
Answer: A
2.The presence of lignin makes the COD/BOD ratio of paper and pulp mill waste very
  • low
  • medium
  • high
  • None of these
Answer: C
3.Name the chemical used to remove dirt and salts in the Tanning process
  • silver nitrate
  • Antimucin
  • chloride
  • Ethylene
Answer: B
4.Usually volume of the milk produced is __________________ than the dairy waste discharge
  • More
  • Less
  • Same
  • None of these
Answer: B
5.Aeration is used to do ______________ of wastes
  • Filtration
  • Deoxygenation
  • Reoxygenation
  • sedimentation
Answer: C
6.BOD load of the wastes from industries is reduced by _____________
  • chemical treatment
  • Deoxygenation
  • Aeration
  • sedimentation
Answer: C
7.What is the proportion of pure nitrogen and pure hydrogen by volume of mixture is compressed and heated in a chamber containing finely divided iron and molybdenum to get urea
  • 1:4
  • 1:2
  • 1:3
  • 1:1
Answer: C
8.Beam house is used for _________________ of hides
  • Bathing
  • Washing
  • a&b
  • None of these
Answer: C
9.Raw material used in the alcohol industry is _________________
  • molasses
  • pulp
  • cellulose
  • all the above
Answer: A
10.The unit cost of treatment becomes high if the waste water flow is _________
  • High
  • Low
  • a&b
  • Medium
Answer: B
11.The pH of the effluent from the fertilizer industry is around _______________
Answer: 7.5 to 9.5
12.The seeds from the cotton picked from the fields are removed by ____________
Answer: Ginning
13.The operation of soaking, fleshing, liming and unhairing are carried out in the _________________
Answer: Beam House
14.________ day at 25°C, BOD concentration of raw waste water from pulp and paper mill is about 150-1000mg/l
Answer: 5 day
15.Molasses is used as raw material in ________________ industry
Answer: Alcohol
16.Air stripping in towers is more efficient in removing _____________ from fertilizer wastes
Answer: Ammonia
17.Chemical treatment is used to recover the dissolved ___________ matter from the waste water
Answer: Organic
18.CETP = ___________________________________
Answer: Common effluent treatment plants
19.Pulp is used as raw material in ________________ industry
Answer: Paper
20.Bleaching, fat liquoring, tanning, and finishing is done in the ______________.
Answer: Tan yard