Thermodynamics for Petroleum Engineers Mid - I, September - 2014

1.A System in which there is exchange of energy but not mass is called a __________ system.
  • Isolated
  • closed
  • insulated
  • open
Answer: B
2.Throttling process is a /an __________ process
  • Reversible and constant enthalpy
  • reversible and constant entropy
  • Reversible and iso-thermal
  • irreversible and constant enthalpy
Answer: D
3.Which is a state function
  • Pressure
  • Specific Volume
  • Work
  • Temperature
Answer: B
4.A system is said to be at equilibrium, if the entropy of the system has reached __________ value.
  • Minimum
  • Zero
  • Maximum
  • none of these
Answer: B
5.For any system, what is the minimum number of degrees of freedom __________
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Answer: A
6.The thermodynamic property of a system is
  • Concentration
  • Density
  • Entropy
  • Viscosity
Answer: C
7.An extensive property of a system is __________
  • Heat Capacity
  • pressure
  • density
  • viscosity
Answer: B
8.In an isobaric process __________ = 0.
  • dP=0
  • dq=0
  • dV=0
  • dT=0
Answer: A
9.The compressibility factor(Z) of an ideal gas is always
  • 0
  • 1
  • >1
  • <1
Answer: B
10.Equation, Cp – CV = R, is true for
  • An ideal gas only
  • any real gas
  • ideal as well as real gas
  • none of these
Answer: A
11.The SI unit of CV is ____________________.
Answer: Joule/Kmole-DegK.
12.The measure of disorderness of a system is known as ________________
Answer: Entropy
13.One Ton of refrigeration capacity is equivalent to the heat removal rate of ____________________.
Answer: 200 BTU/HR_
14.____________________is widely used refrigerant in vapor compression refrigeration system.
Answer: Freon
15.In a working refrigerator, the value of COP is always ____________________.
Answer: greater than 1
16.Dry ice is ____________________.
Answer: solid CO2
17.Moiller diagram is a plot of ____________________.
Answer: entropy vs enthalphy
18.The temperature at which both liquid and gas phase are identical, is called the ___________________ point.
Answer: critical
19.Fundamental principle of refrigeration is based on the ____________________law of thermodynamics.
Answer: second
20.Work done is a ____________________function.
Answer: path