Television Engineering Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The duration line blanking pulse in a composite video signal is
  • 4.7μs
  • 1.2μs
  • 12μs
  • 3μs
Answer: C
2.The difference between the sound carrier frequencies in two adjacent channels is
  • 4.5 MHz
  • 6 MHz
  • 1.25 MHz
  • 0.25 MHz
Answer: B
3.The FM channel bandwidth is given by
Answer: A
4.The disadvantage caused by mechanical switching can be overcome by _______ switching systems.
  • Analog
  • Digital
  • Electronic
  • None of the above
Answer: B
5.Composite video signal consists of
  • Camera signal
  • blanking pulse
  • sync pulse
  • All the above
Answer: D
6.Which of the following is the characteristic of a silicon diode array vidicon tube
  • Lower lag and high sensitivity
  • Higher lag and high sensitivity
  • Lower lag and lower sensitivity
  • none of the above
Answer: A
7.Image frequencies should not lie in _____________ band.
  • AM
  • FM
  • PM
  • PCM
Answer: B
8.The following antenna is used as television receiver antenna
  • Dipole panel antenna
  • Yagi-uda antenna
  • Horn antenna
  • Turnstile array antenna
Answer: B
9.The output of AFC circuit is filtered by using _____________ filter.
  • Low pass
  • High pass
  • Band pass
  • Stop band
Answer: A
10.Nits are the unit of
  • Luminance
  • Illuminance
  • Both A and B
  • None
Answer: A
11.In a 625- line system, number of active lines that bear picture information is__________.
Answer: 585 lines
12.FM sound signal has a maximum deviation of _____________.
Answer: 25 KHz
13.SAW filter works based on the phenomenon of __________________ waves.
Answer: Surface acoustics
14.Every tuned circuit consists of a switched coil and a ___________.
Answer: Capacitor
15.Image orthicon making use of the principle __________________.
Answer: Photo emissive sensitivity
16.The ability of image reproducing system to represent fine structure of an object is known as ___________________________.
Answer: Resolving power or resolution
17.________________ used as a photo conductive layer in plumbicon.
Answer: Lead monoxide(PbO)
18.______________ is used to obtain an omnidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane for radiating TV signals equally in all directions.
Answer: Turnstile array antenna
19.RF tuner rejects ___________ frequencies by means of RF selective circuits.
Answer: Image
20.___________ pulses are those which include horizontal, vertical and equalizing pulses.
Answer: Sync