Surveying Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Metric chain length is
  • 40 m
  • 60 m
  • 80 m
  • 30 m
Answer: D
2.The distance travelled by the vehicle is measured by
  • Odometer
  • Speedometer
  • Passometer
  • Pedometer
Answer: A
3.A Map showing contour lines of different elevations at some selected contour intervals
  • Contour Map
  • Survey Map
  • both a & b
  • None
Answer: A
4.The survey work used to refer the measurement of distances with a chain or tape is
  • chaining
  • leveling
  • all of the above
  • none of the above
Answer: A
5.The process through which the elevation of the ground surface is taken is
  • leveling
  • chaining
  • ranging
  • all of the above
Answer: A
6.The last sight taken before the instrument is shifted
  • FS
  • BS
  • IS
  • None
Answer: A
7.The first reading taken after setting the instrument is
  • FS
  • BS
  • IS
  • None
Answer: B
8.The method used for leveling
  • Rise and Fall method
  • Height of Instrument method
  • both
  • none of the above
Answer: A
9.Principle of surveying is working from
  • Whole to part
  • Part to Whole
  • Every Part
  • All of the above
Answer: A
10.Ranging rods are used for
  • ranging
  • leveling
  • measuring
  • none of the above
Answer: A
11.Chain surveying uses the instruments ___________, ________________, ________________.
Answer: Chain, Tape, Ranging Rod
12.The length of Engineers chain is _________________________.
Answer: 100ft
13.There are __________________ no.of links in a chain for every 5 meters.
Answer: 5 links, 5m
14.The length of arrow varies from __________________________.
Answer: 4m-6m
15.Leveling is done for determining _____________________________.
Answer: Elevation
16.The height in a vertical plane from the datum surface is ______________________________.
Answer: Elevation
17.The height of the point obtained by adding the known or assumed data surface elevation is ______________.
Answer: Reduced Levels
18.A fixed reference point through a level surface of known elevation is ___________________.
Answer: Benchmark
19.Indirect ranging is also called as _________________________________ ranging.
Answer: Reciprocal
20.A Hypsometer works on the principle of ____________________________.
Answer: Atmospheric pressure