Space Mechanics Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The square of the period of a planet is proportional to the cube of its mean distance from the sun.
  • Kepler’s first law
  • keplers’s third law
  • Tsiolkovsky law
  • Konstantin law
Answer: B
2.The Polar Equation of a Conic Section.
  • r=p/(1+ecosv)
  • r=p/(ecosv)
  • r=p/(1-ecosv) 
  • r=cosv/(1+ecosv)
Answer: A
3.A space probe which is given escape speed in any direction will travel on a ______escape trajectory
  • Parabolic
  • Hyperbolic
  • circular
  • Elliptical
Answer: A
4.If the period of a circular direct equatorial orbit is exactly 23 hr 56 min it will appear to over a point on the:
  • Altitude
  • Equator
  • longitude
  • high altitude
Answer: B
5.This first burn places the second stage in an elliptical orbit is called an
  • ascent ellipse
  • descent ellipse
  • ellipse
  • eccentric
Answer: A
6.Nodal regression is a rotation of the plane of the orbit about the _______axis of rotation
  • Earth’s
  • Gravity
  • body
  • principle
Answer: A
7.The nodal regression is greatest for orbits whose inclination is near 0 or 180 degrees and goes to zero for ________________orbits.
  • Earth orbits
  • Retrograde orbit
  • direct orbit
  • polar
Answer: D
8.Cowell's method has been applied in a ________system
  • Polar co ordinate
  • Integrated
  • Cartesian coordinate
  • functional
Answer: C
9.Any particular osculating orbit is good until the true orbit deviates too far from continue the integration. Then a process called ____________
  • Rectification process
  • Integrated process
  • complex process
  • systematic process
Answer: A
10.The Runge-Kutta method is suggested for starting the ______methods.
  • Variable
  • Sequential
  • multi-step
  • step-up
Answer: C
11.In KEPLER'S Second Law-The line joining the planet to the sun sweeps out _________areas in__________ interval times.
Answer: Equal, equal
12.In NEWTON'S Second Law-The rate of change of momentum is proportional to the force impressed and is in the __________direction as that force.
Answer: Same
13.The first method of finding the orbit of a body from three observations was devised by Newton and is given in the___________.
Answer: Principia
14.What is the inclination of the orbit? If completing one revolution every 90 days. ________________
Answer: Four degrees
15.The second stage booster engines are fired to increase the ____________of the satellite
Answer: Speed and flight path angle
16.Kepler's first task was to determine the radius of the circle and the direction of the axis connecting _________________and_______________
Answer: Perihelion and aphelion
17.The rotation of the line of apsides is only applicable to______________ orbits.
Answer: Eccentric orbits
18.If the satellite, high enough the period can be made exactly equal to the time it takes the earth to rotate once on its axis is called __________________satellite.
Answer: Gas Stationary(or) Geo synchronous
19.The least speed change required for a transfer between two circular orbits is achieved by using such a doubly-tangent transfer ellipse recognized by__________.
Answer: Hohmann transfer
20.The Earth is not a spherically symmetric body but is bulged at the equator, flattened at the poles and is generally____________________.
Answer: Asymmetric