Signals and Systems Mid - I, September - 2014
1.Aliasing occurs due to the following is ______________
fs = 2fm
fs < 2fm
fs > 2fm
Answer: B
2.Trigonometric Fourier series representation of an odd function consists of _______
sine terms
cosine terms
DC term
both a & b
Answer: A
3.A system with an input x(t) and output y(t) is described by the relation y(t) = 2t x(t). This system is ___________________
Linear and time-invariant
Linear and time varying
Non-linear and time-invariant
Non-linear and time varying
Answer: B
4.In the trigonometric Fourier series representation of a signal a0 is the __________
RMS value
peak value
mean square value
average value
Answer: D
5.The functions cos nω0t, and sin mω0t are always _________
Answer: C
6.For a distortion-less transmission through an LTI system, the phase of H(w) is
Linearly dependent on w
Answer: D
7.The Nyquist rate for the signal x(t) = sin(300
t) + cos(100
t) is ________
200 samples/sec
100 samples/sec
300 samples/sec
600 samples/sec
Answer: C
8.Fourier transform of a unit impulse function is ___________
Answer: C
9.If the function x(t) has odd and half wave symmetry, then the fourier series will have only ________________
Odd harmonics of sine terms
Even harmonics of cosine terms
Even harmonics of sine terms
Odd harmonics of cosine terms
Answer: A
10.Area of f(t)
(t - 10) over (-
) is equal to ___________
Answer: B
11.__________________ is defined to be the response of an LTI system when the input is impulse input.
Answer: Impulse response
12.__________________ of a signal can be defined as the range of positive frequencies in which most of the energy lies.
Answer: Bandwidth
13.For a distortion-less transmission, the system must have transfer function as _________________.
Answer: H(w) = K e-jwt d
14.The parseval’s theorem of Fourier Transform states that, if x(t) <-> X(W) then,
= ________________________

15.Fourier Transform of coswo(t) is_________________________________

16.Representation of f(t) by a set of infinite mutually orthogonal functions is called as _______________________________________
Answer: Generalized Fourier Series
17.A signal is said to be energy signal, if it satisfies the condition that _________________
Answer: 0 < E <
and P = 0

18.Let two signals f1(t) & f2(t) are orthogonal over the interval (t1, t2). Magnitude of the component of f1(t) in f2(t) is ______________________

19.The Fourier transform of x(-t) is ______________________
Answer: X(-W)
20.The Trigonometric Fourier Series representation of a periodic signal x(t) with period To is given by __________________________________