Scripting Languages Mid - I, September - 2014

1.A new style of programming which allows applications to be developed much faster than traditional methods is called
  • Object oriented
  • object based
  • Script
  • tool
Answer: C
2.The ____ shell was well suited to system administration.
  • Korn
  • C shell
  • Bourne
  • none
Answer: C
3.Perl is a _________ typed language.
  • Static
  • Dynamic
  • simple
  • object
Answer: B
4.The function reverses the process, converting a string representing a datastructure into a list.
  • Unpack
  • Pack
  • mystub
  • Mycrpt
Answer: A
5.In the UNIX shell, the process of expanding a * argument on the command line to a list ofall the file names in the current directory is called
  • Superglobbing
  • globbing
  • Subglobbing
  • none
Answer: B
6.Static scoping is particularly useful for ______.
  • Loops
  • non-recursive functions
  • recursive
  • decision statements
Answer: C
7.Changes that are reflected outside the function’s scope means passing the argument by
  • Value
  • reference
  • name
  • none
Answer: B
8.To hide some of the implementation details in a class _____ class will provide.
  • Pear
  • shell
  • java script
  • embedded code
Answer: A
9.The ___________ function operates much like the namesake in the PHP language.
  • Forall
  • for every
  • foreach
  • forsome
Answer: C
10.MCrypt is a popular data-encryption package available for use with PHP, providing support for two-WayEncryption
  • Encryption
  • decryption
  • both
  • none
Answer: C
11.____________ is the process of constructing a graphical interface from a collection ofvisual objects.
Answer: Visual scripting
12.A ________ loop can have an explicit continue block which is executed at the end of eachnormal iteration before control returns to re-test the condition.
Answer: While
13.The _______________ operator creates a reference to a named variable or subroutine.
Answer: Back slash
14.______________________ Sorts items by their ASCII value.
Answer: Sort regular
15.Inheritance is realized by including a special array _______ in the package that defines the derived class.
Answer: @ISA
16.To prevent users from viewing certain files is to deny access to certain extensions by configuring the _______________ Files directive.
Answer: httpd.conf file
17.Ajax is an acronym for _________________________________.
Answer: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
18.The default exception constructor is called with _____________ parameters.
Answer: No
19.The __________ function creates a child process as a clone of the current process.
Answer: Fork
20.A _________________ is a unit of code with its own namespace.
Answer: Package