Renewable Energy Sources Mid - II, November - 2014

1.Bacteria that grows in the presence of oxygen are called are
  • Aerobic
  • Anaerobic
  • Bioscopic
  • Both b and c
Answer: A
2.In the geothermal energy the steam and hot water gushing out of the earth may contain harmful gases of
  • H2S
  • CO2
  • NH3
  • All the above
Answer: D
3.Which of the following is a fuel used in fuel cells
  • Hydrogen
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Methanol
  • All the above
Answer: D
4.The cost of an open-cycle system for providing substantial number of MW is presently regarded by OTEC significantly ___________ than for closed cycle system.
  • Lesser
  • Zero
  • Greater
  • Very low
Answer: C
5.The heart of a fuel cell is
  • Proton conducting solid PEM
  • Anode
  • Cathode
  • Platinum
Answer: A
6.OTEC power generation system gives __________ efficiency
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
  • Zero
Answer: C
7.The __generator that transforms thermal energy to electrical energy at high temperatures.
  • Ionic
  • MHD
  • Dc
  • All the above
Answer: B
8.The disadvantage of geo thermal energy is
  • Drilling is noisy
  • Efficiency is high
  • Small areas are needed
  • High combustion
Answer: A
9.__________ effect describes the temperature change of a gas or liquid when it is forced through a valve porous plug while kept insulated so that no heat is exchanged with environment.
  • Seebeck
  • Peltier
  • Normans
  • Joule-Thomson
Answer: D
10.Which of the following factors affect biodigestion
  • Temperature
  • Seeding
  • PH
  • All the above
Answer: D
11.Bio mass means organic matter and photo-chemical approach to harness solar energy by __________________.
Answer: Photosynthesis
12.Geothermal steam is of two kinds. They are ______________ and ________________.
Answer: Magnetic and meteoritic steam
13.A ____________ is a device that converts the chemical energy from a fuel into electricity through a chemical reaction.
Answer: Fuel cell
14.When the biomass is fermented an aerobically the gaseous fuel obtained is _________________.
Answer: Bio-gas
15.Geothermal energy plants have the highest annual load factors of ____________% compared to 45-50% for fossil fuel plants.
Answer: 85-90%
16.The geothermal energy is roughly _________% of the total anticipated power production in India.
Answer: 10%
17.Broadly the ocean sources of energy are _________________.
Answer: OTEC, tidal, wave
18.There are two different methods for harnessing ocean thermal differences. One is Claude cycle and other is ______________ cycle.
Answer: Anderson cycle
19.In an ocean environment it is likely that a layer of slime known as ___________________ will eventually accumulate on the water side of the heat exchangers.
Answer: Bio-foul
20.The plant power station having output up to ____________ kW is called small hydro plant (or) mini-hydel power plant.
Answer: 5000