Rehabilitation Engineering Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Rehabilitation is the ____________ of an individual with a disability into society.
  • Re integration
  • Removal
  • Addition
  • None of the above
Answer: A
2.Braille condenses all text characters to a raised matrix of ______ dots.
  • 2 by 3
  • 3 by 3
  • 4 by 3
  • 3 by 4
Answer: A
3.An appliance that substitutes for the loss of a particular function is
  • Orthosis
  • Prosthesis
  • both a & b
  • none
Answer: A
4.Anthropometric data is expressed in ____________
  • Percentage
  • Percentile
  • Byte
  • Nibble
Answer: B
5.Greek word ‘anthropos’ means
  • Machine
  • Man
  • Measurement
  • Rehabilitate
Answer: B
6.Hearing loss can be due to _____________ defects.
  • Senosir-Neural
  • Conduction
  • Both a & b
  • None of the above
Answer: C
7.An example of visual auditory substitution is
  • Lip reading
  • Sign Language
  • Close Captioning
  • All the above
Answer: D
8.Using gestures and signs to communicate is _______________ AAC
  • Unaided
  • Aided
  • Both a & b
  • None
Answer: A
9.A selection technique that presents groups of items to the user is
  • Scanning
  • Selection
  • Tracking
  • Enhancement
Answer: A
10.The science of fitting the job to the worker and product to the user is
  • Rehabilitation
  • Ergonomics
  • Anthropometry
  • None of the above
Answer: B
11.Tadoma is a method of communication used by a few people in the __________ community.
Answer: Deaf - blind
12._______________ is the artificial human speech generated from the text input following a set of rules.
Answer: Synthetic Speech
13._____________ is the purpose of the system of interest.
Answer: Function
14._____________ is the use of one human sense to receive information normally received by another sense.
Answer: Sensory substitution
15._____________ based language representation methods involve the use of graphic or line drawn symbols to represent single word vocabulary or messages.
Answer: Picture Symbol
16.In humans the audible range of frequencies is __________ Hz.
Answer: 20 to 20,000
17.___________ is an electro acoustic device which typically fits in or behind the wearer’s ear and is designed to amplify and modulate sound for the wearer
Answer: Hearing Aid
18.Full form of AAC is __________________.
Answer: Augmentative and alternative communication
19.The technique in which the individual is presented with a time sequence of choices and indicates when the desired choice appears is _______________.
Answer: Scanning
20.A ____________ chart is an eye chart used by eye care professionals and others to measure visual acuity.
Answer: Snellen