Production Technology Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Centrifugally cast products have
  • large grain structure with high porosity.
  • Fine grain structure with high density.
  • Fine grain structure with low density.
  • Segregation of slag towards the outer skin of the casting.
Answer: B
2.Directional solidification in castings can be improved by
  • chills and chaplets
  • chills and padding
  • chaplets and padding
  • chills, chaplets and padding
Answer: A
3.Which of the following are casting defect
  • blow holes
  • cold cracks
  • sand spots
  • all of the above
Answer: D
4.The Draft on pattern for casting is
  • Shrinkage allowance
  • Identification number marked on it.
  • Taper to facilitate its removal from mould
  • Increase in size of cavity due to shaking allowance
Answer: C
5.Which of the following welding processes uses non consumable electrode
  • Laser welding b) MIG Welding
  • TIG welding
  • Plasma welding
Answer: C
6.Oxy –acetylene flame cuts metal by its
  • Evaporation
  • Burning
  • Rusting
  • Intensive oxidation
Answer: D
7.In thermit welding, the aluminium and iron oxide are mixed the proportion of
  • 1:3
  • 1:2
  • 1:1
  • 2:1
Answer: A
8.Weld spatter refers to
  • flux
  • welding defect
  • filler material
  • shield
Answer: B
9.Preheating is essential in welding
  • High speed steel
  • Stainless steel
  • Cast Iron
  • Aluminium
Answer: C
10.Seam welding is
  • continuous spot welding process.
  • Single –spot welding process.
  • Used to form mesh.
  • None of the above.
Answer: A
11.Investment moulding is also called as _______________
Answer: Lost wax process.
12.Core prints are provided on patterns __________________________
Answer: To support as well as locate the core in the mould.
13.A mixture of 70% sand and 30% clay is known as _______________ sand
Answer: Green Sand
14.For Gray cast Iron, the pattern shrinkage allowance is of the order of _____ mm/m.
Answer: 7 to 10.5
15.The patterns in the case of Machine moulding are mounted on ________.
Answer: Match plates
16.Oxygen to acetylene ratio in case of neutral flame is __________
Answer: 1:1
17.Up to what thickness of plate, edge preparation for welding is not required ______
Answer: 4mm
18.In DCSP, electrode is connected with__________ .terminal
Answer: Negative
19.The shielding gasses commonly used in MIG welding are ____________________
Answer: Binder ( around 10 to 15%)
20.In resistance welding _____________ is low and ___________ is high
Answer: Voltage, current