Process Modeling and Simulation Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The Units of Component Continuity equation are
  • Kg/time
  • moles/time
  • Energy/time
  • KgN/time
Answer: B
2.Momentum is __________
  • mass/velocity
  • mass +velocity
  • mass-velocity
  • (mass) (velocity)
Answer: D
3.The No. of initial values to be guessed in a N-R method are
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 4
Answer: C
4.In case of bisection method, the convergence is
  • Very rapid
  • quadratic
  • linear
  • very slow
Answer: D
5.In the Gauss-elimination method for solving a linear algebraic equation, triangularization leads to ____________ matrix
  • Diagonal
  • lower triangular
  • upper triangular
  • singular
Answer: C
6.For better separation in a distillation column, the value of relative volatility (α) should be
  • α=1
  • α<1
  • α>1
  • α=0
Answer: C
7.The Units of Continuity equation are
  • Kg/time
  • moles/time
  • Energy/time
  • KgN/time
Answer: A
8.In constant hold up CSTRs energy equation is not required because
  • It is isothermal operation
  • isobaric operation
  • Isochoric operation
  • none of the above
Answer: A
9.Equilibrium between two phases occurs when
  • μi= μj
  • same T&P
  • uniform enthalpy
  • a& b
Answer: D
10.In false position method the No. of initial values assumed to be are
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
Answer: B
11.For a particular system if the degree of freedom (F) is zero, then it will have __________ solution
Answer: Unique
12.In a CSTR with an irreversible storder exothermic reaction, non-linearity arises in the governing mass and energy balance equation due to the term _______________.
Answer: e –E/RT
13.The total continuity equation is nothing but _____________ equation.
Answer: Mass balance
14.In bubble point temperature calculation, the function is formulated for Newton-Rapson method as _____________
Answer: F(t)=P(t)calc-P
15.The relative volatility of component i to component j is defined as ____________
Answer: αij= (yi/xi)/(yi/xi)
16.Enthalpy of any reactor is function of _____________ and______________
Answer: Temperature and pressure
17.The factor used to account for non-ideality in the liquid phase is ______________ coefficient.
Answer: Activity
18.Diffusion in tubular reactor can occur because of ______________________________ in axial direction.
Answer: Concentration gradient
19.In bisection method, the no. of initial values to be assumed are _________________
Answer: Two
20.The driving force in momentum transfer is ________________
Answer: Pressure or velocity gradient