Power Electronics Mid - II, November - 2014
1.In circulating current type of dual converter, the nature of voltage across reactor is
Answer: A
2.In a 3-phase semi converter frequency of the ripple in the output voltage may be
3 time the supply frequency f for firing angle
< 60
3 f for
> 60
2f for
< 60
6 f for
> 60
Answer: B
3.In a dual converter, converters1 and converters 2 work as under
1 as rectifier, 2 as inverter
1 as inverter, 2 as rectifier
both as rectifiers
both a&b
Answer: D
4.In dc chopper, if Ton is the on-period and f is the chopping frequency, then output voltage in terms of input voltage is given by
Answer: D
5.In dc chopper, the waveforms for input and output voltages are respectively
discontinuous, continuous
both continuous
both discontinuous
continuous, discontinuous
Answer: D
6.The output voltage of 3-phase inverter contains
only even harmonics
both odd and even harmonics
only odd harmonics
only triple harmonics
Answer: C
7.An inverter converts
ac to dc
dc to ac
dc to dc
ac to ac
Answer: B
8.Which of the following is a PWM technique?
single pulse
multiple pulse
All the above
Answer: D
9.An ac voltage regulator regulate the fixed ac signal to-------ac signal without changing its frequency
Answer: C
10.A device that converters ac to ac with variable frequency
Answer: C
11.Three phase ac to dc converter which requires neutral point connection is -----------------
Answer: 3-ph half wave converter
12.In a 3-phase half controlled converter each thyristor and diode conduct for -------------------- degrees.
Answer: 120
13.A Dc chopper Ton is 1msec and its frequency is 500Hz what will be its duty cycle -------------------
Answer: 50%
14.The most suitable switch used for dc to dc converter is ---------------------
Answer: GTO
15.Duty Cycle is defined as -------------------------
Answer: TON /(TON + TOFF)
16.In a single pulse modulation of PWM inverters, fifth harmonic can be eliminated if pulse width is equal to ----------------------
Answer: 72
17.In single pulse modulation of PWM inverter, the pulse width is 120 degrees. For an input voltage of 220V dc, the rms value of output voltage is --------------------
Answer: 179.63V
18.Cyclo converter is a frequency changer with ------------------ stage conversion.
Answer: One stage
19.Step-up cyclo conveter operation is based on ---------------------- commutation.
Answer: Forced
20.Step-down cyclo conveter operation is based on --------------------------- commutation.
Answer: Line