Petroleum Exploration Methods Mid - II, November - 2014

1.Magnetic field strength are now usually measured in ……………………….
  • Nano Tesla
  • Micro Tesla
  • Macro Tesla
  • Bytes
Answer: A
2.Negative magnetism is known as
  • Diamagnetism
  • Para magnetism
  • Tesla
  • Nano Tesla
Answer: A
3.Positive magnetism is known as
  • Diamagnetism
  • Para magnetism
  • Tesla
  • Nano Tesla
Answer: B
4.The susceptibility of a rock depends on its
  • Magnate
  • Konigsberger ratio
  • Diamagnetism
  • Para magnetism
Answer: A
5.The gravitational constant G has value of ………………… NM2 /kg
  • 6.67x 10-11
  • 2.0 – 2.9
  • 2
  • 3
Answer: A
6.Most crustal rocks have densities between ……………… mg/m
  • 6.67x10-11
  • 2.0 – 2.9
  • 2
  • 3
Answer: B
7.Latitude corrections are usually made by subtracting the ………… gravity
  • Normal
  • Reference
  • Opposite
  • Not applicable
Answer: A
8.The quantity obtained after applying to the latitude and free air correction is termed …
  • Free air gravity
  • Reference
  • Opposite
  • Not applicable
Answer: A
9.Nettletons method for direct determination of …………………………
  • Density
  • Gravity
  • Pressure
  • Temperature
Answer: A
10.In geophysics the +ve &-ve represents …………………
  • East –west
  • South – North
  • East
  • North
Answer: B
11.A geological instrument will usually not record the same results ir read repeatedly at the same place is because _______________.
Answer: Drift
12.Instrument drift is often related to _________________.
Answer: Temperature
13.To a geophysicist is the object of the survey and is ____________ anything else measured but is considered to contain no useful information.
Answer: Signal & Noise
14.Difference in rock density produce small changes in the _______________ field.
Answer: Earth’s Gravity
15.Density = __________________.
Answer: Mass/Volume
16.A dipole placed in a magnetic field tends to rotate and so is said to have a ___________________.
Answer: Magnetic moment
17.Short term auroral effects are special cases of the irregular disturbances known as _______________.
Answer: Magnetic storms
18.Ohm’s law V = _____________________.
Answer: IR
19.Angular frequency  ___________________.
Answer: 2f
20.Apparent resistivity p__________________.
Answer: PI/2