Operating Systems Mid - II, November - 2014

1.Which of the following is not necessary condition for a deadlock to occur in the system?
  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Hold and Wait
  • Preemption
  • Circular Wait
Answer: C
2.If the resources are always preempted from the same process, __________ can occur.
  • deadlock
  • system crash
  • aging problem
  • stravation
Answer: D
3.An algorithm to detect a cycle in a graph requires an order of ______ operations, where n is the number of vertices in the graph.
  • n2
  • 2n
  • n!
  • n
Answer: A
4.The file that stores an integer as a sequence of character is a _________
  • binary file
  • data file
  • text file
  • core file
Answer: C
5.To retrieve a single record, which is the best accessing technique?
  • pile
  • sequential
  • indexed
  • Hashed
Answer: D
6.A process is moved to wait queue when I/O request is made with
  • non-blocking I/O
  • blocking I/O
  • asynchronous I/O
  • synchronous I/O
Answer: B
7.The time taken for the desired sector to rotate to the disk head is called :
  • positioning time
  • random access time
  • seek time
  • rotational latency
Answer: D
8.In the ______ algorithm, the disk arm starts at one end of the disk and moves toward the other end, servicing requests till the other end of the disk. At the other end, the direction is reversed and servicing continues.
  • C-LOOK
  • C-SCAN
  • SCAN
  • LOOK
Answer: C
9.The interception of information is a threat to ___________
  • privacy
  • secrecy
  • integrity
  • confidentiality
Answer: B
10.The virus that loads in main memory as part of a resident system program is __________ virus
  • memory-resident
  • parasitic
  • boot sector
  • stealth
Answer: A
11.A system is in a safe state only if there exists a ________________.
Answer: Safe sequence
12.The deadlock avoidance algorithm that is applicable when a system consists of multiple instances of each resource type is ______________.
Answer: Banker’s algorithm
13.The file allocation technique that suffers from external fragmentation is ______________.
Answer: Contiguous
14.Direct file accessing mechanism is also called as ____________.
Answer: Relative accessing
15.The data structure that is used for a file directory is _____________.
Answer: Linear list/Hash table
16.The buffer that holds the output of a device is ______________.
Answer: Spool
17.A ______________ is a full-duplex connection between a device driver and a user-level process.
Answer: Streams
18.The ______________ provides a mechanism for protection without imposing a particular protection policy on the systems or its users.
Answer: Access matrix
19.The internal code of any software that will set of a malicious function when specified conditions are met, is called ______________.
Answer: Logic bomb
20.A program that can infect other programs by modifying them is called __________.
Answer: A virus