Operating Systems Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Page fault occurs when
  • the page is corrupted by application software
  • the page is in main memory
  • the page is not in main memory
  • one tries to divide a number by
Answer: C
2.Overlay is
  • a part of operating system
  • a single memory location
  • a single contiguous memory that is used in olden days for running large programs by swapping
  • overloading the system with many user files
Answer: C
3.Dijkstra’s banking algorithm in an operating system, solves the problem of
  • deadlock avoidance
  • deadlock recovery
  • mutual exclusion
  • context switching
Answer: A
4.In paged memory systems, if the page size is increased then the internal fragmentation generally
  • becomes less
  • becomes more
  • remains constant
  • none of the above
Answer: B
5.In Round robin CPU scheduling as the time quantum is increased the average turnaround time
  • increases
  • decreases
  • remains constant
  • varies irregularly
Answer: D
6.A front-end processor is usually used in
  • Multiprogramming
  • Virtual Storage
  • Timesharing
  • Multiprocessing
Answer: C
7.A null process has a process identifier.
  • -1
  • 0
  • 1
  • Null
Answer: B
8.System calls are usually invoked by using
  • Software interrupt
  • Polling
  • An indirect jump
  • Privileged instruction
Answer: A
9.Which of the following page replacement policies ,Belady’s anomaly occurs?
  • FIFO
  • LRU
  • LFU
  • NRU
Answer: A
  • Always occurs on large computers
  • Is a natural consequence of virtual memory systems
  • can always be avoided by swapping
  • can be caused by poor paging algorithm
Answer: B
11.Executing multiple commands as a single one is called ____________________
Answer: Batch Processing
12._____________ system call is used to create a new process
Answer: Fork
13.Minimum average waiting time is assured by _____________ algorithm
Answer: SJF
14.Light weight process is also known as ___________
Answer: Thread
15.Scheduling policy best suited for time sharing operating systems is _____________
Answer: Round Robin
16.______________________ operating system provides the distributed file system.
Answer: Distributed OS
17.Inter-process communication can be done through _____________________
Answer: Messages
18.Expand PCB_______________________
Answer: Process Control Block
19.______________________ is a reference to a memory location independent of the current assignment of data to memory.
Answer: Logical Address
20.Most unique kernels are _________________
Answer: Monolithic